
#fomo #jomo
I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.
I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.
You’re home alone, but watching your friends status updates tell of a great party happening somewhere. You are aware of more parties than ever before. [S]ocial software both creates and cures FOMO. Ultimately, though, this began as a conversation centered around joy. Isn't that a rare, and special, and fragile thing? How often do we talk about joy, let alone actively pursuing it or protecting it? I think pursuing joy, protecting peaceful moments, seeing our friends' happiness as a cause for celebration and not envy, and engaging with our lives on our own terms are quietly radical acts. It is a brave and meaningful thing to talk earnestly about joy at a time when so many aspire to, and delight in, destroying it.
I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.