
#max-kreminski #gardening
Gardening games
Gardening games
To know why a garden looks the way it does today is to understand not only the histories of its individual parts, but also of the relationships between them, both past and present. In a garden, each individual flower becomes a character in an ongoing story, with a personal narrative arc all its own. ​ This, more than anything else, stands out to me as the key difference between exploration and gardening games. In exploration games, to spend time in a place is to deplete it, to make it less and less interesting until there’s no longer any reason to stay. In gardening games, to spend time in a place is to enrich it, to participate in stories and interactions and relationships that make it more interesting by virtue of your understanding of its inhabitants.
Gardening games
“in conclusion, we need a social media platform that lets you sit next to someone on a bench in the park & feed some goddamn birds”
“in conclusion, we need a social media platform that lets you sit next to someone on a bench in the park & feed some goddamn birds”
in conclusion, we need a social media platform that lets you sit next to someone on a bench in the park & feed some goddamn birds— Max Kreminski (@maxkreminski) August 18, 2018
“in conclusion, we need a social media platform that lets you sit next to someone on a bench in the park & feed some goddamn birds”