
Against Waldenponding
Against Waldenponding
42/ So stop blaming the media platforms for your own wallowing in small-minded Twitter gossip about people. [Train] to the point where you decide whether to be there or elsewhere.
Against Waldenponding
A Text Renaissance
A Text Renaissance
I think my limit for open-loop writing is about 14k words. For the book on temporality I’m working on now, I’ll probably serialize it online in some form before trying to put it together as a book. ​​ All in all, it was a wonderful outpouring of deep reserves of creativity and knowledge, the likes of which I haven’t seen online in a long time. ​ Twitter is where all the history-making, universe-denting social media action really is. It is as close to a pure ideas-commons/digital public as we’ll ever get. ​ Email today is now less a communications medium than a communications compile target.
A Text Renaissance
Life Spirit Distillation
Life Spirit Distillation
by letting go more and more of your idea of what your life should be like, and embracing the possibilities of what it is actually turning out to be like. ​ “Growth” fixation makes you less alive to the realities and possibilities of what's actually happening, and inclined to go into denial or futile activity in response to changes that you cannot undo ​ This is fundamentally why I am somewhere between skeptical to actively hostile towards it. Nothing is as self-limiting as a fixed idea of “growth” imagined by a younger version of you. ​ It is about living life in a way that you might run into versions of yourself you didn’t know were possible. ​ Life intensification philosophies boil down to just two questions: A: will you choose the unexpected more intense versions of yourself you meet along the road of life, and B: what new clothes will you wear if you do?
Life Spirit Distillation
“The assumed consensus becomes its own reality - a position others can respond to. It doesn't actually need to accurately describe what's happening, the narrative can just live its entire life in the medium where it was created”
“The assumed consensus becomes its own reality - a position others can respond to. It doesn't actually need to accurately describe what's happening, the narrative can just live its entire life in the medium where it was created”
“@vgr The assumed consensus becomes its own reality - a position others can respond to. It doesn't actually need to accurately describe what's happening, the narrative can just live its entire life in the medium where it was created”
“The assumed consensus becomes its own reality - a position others can respond to. It doesn't actually need to accurately describe what's happening, the narrative can just live its entire life in the medium where it was created”