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Why success won’t make you happy
Why success won’t make you happy
Imagine reading a story titled “The Relentless Pursuit of Booze.” You would likely expect a depressing story about a person in a downward alcoholic spiral. Now imagine instead reading a story titled “The Relentless Pursuit of Success.” That would be an inspiring story, wouldn’t it? Maybe—but maybe not. ​ They (and sometimes I) would put off ordinary delights of relaxation and time with loved ones until after this project, or that promotion, when finally it would be time to rest. But, of course, that day never seemed to arrive. ​ Unfortunately, success is Sisyphean (to mix my Greek myths). The goal can’t be satisfied; most people never feel “successful enough.” The high only lasts a day or two, and then it’s on to the next goal. Success addicts giving up their habit experience a kind of withdrawal as well. […] Olympic athletes, in particular, suffer from the “post-Olympic blues.” […] They talked of virtually nothing but the old days. you are not going to find true happiness on the hedonic treadmill of your professional life. You’ll find it in things that are deeply ordinary: enjoying a walk or a conversation with a loved one, instead of working that extra hour More effective is simply to start showing up. With relationships, actions speak louder than words, especially if your words have been fairly empty in the past.
Why success won’t make you happy