
Walking through doors
Walking through doors
Forgetting is part of how we cope with the monotony of everyday life and how we look at problems in new ways. ​ …my feeling is that the hardware you physically interact with, the things you touch every day, are worth the extra cost. ​ We think it’s our job to align everyone’s flow state with their personal mission at the company.
Walking through doors
What I learned at Socratic
What I learned at Socratic
"My job is to put myself out of a job" encouraged me to actively coach engineers so I could be free to work on non-engineering problems. ​ One thing that helped us execute well without brutal hours was articulating clear goals at multiple granularities. After our Series A, we made a mock deck for our next fundraise. What story would our future investors want to hear? With that as a goal for the round, we would set “episode” goals for the ~6 weeks between board meetings. And using those, we’d set goals for the week - what did we need to get done to stay on track? ​ I learned the hard way that it’s in our nature to wait too long to do the hard, but obvious thing, especially when it affects other people. ​ The benefits of faster decisions compound over time, whether the decision is to let someone go or to trust someone with more, so make the decision, and take action sooner. ​ We learned that having this quiet space to think, talk, and dream together was critical.
What I learned at Socratic
How to put yourself online
How to put yourself online
Truly take a moment to think about it: How do you want to occupy space online? What are your goals? It’s nice when people treat their social media accounts as extensions of themselves, rather than as ads for themselves. The internet should not be a space to spam innocent bystanders with Soundcloud links and promotional blurbs. Instead, it should be a space to really exist inside of, and a place where you can forge connections that organically grow into mutual interest in—and support for—each other. Online friends are just different than your IRL friends. So, do not drop your friends or completely abandon your “old life” when you get a few hundred or thousand followers online.
How to put yourself online