Lucy Bellwood’s “It’s all relevant” talk
Enthusiasm is a communicable disease.
Lucy Bellwood at CreativeMornings Portland, October 2017. Free events like this one are hosted every month in dozens of cities. Discover hundreds of talks from the world's creative community at
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Education is an amble
“Race to the Top; what a horrid metaphor for education. A race? Everyone is on the same track, seeing how fast they can go? Racing toward what? The top? The top of what? Education is not a race, it’s an amble. Real education only occurs when everyone is ambling along their own path.” —Peter Gray 2. Always work (note, write) from your own interest, never from what you think you should be noting or writing. Trust your own interest.
Against Chill
But the person with Chill is crucially missing these last ingredients because they are too far removed from anything that looks like intensity to have passions. Because Chill is the opposite of something else too: warmth. And kindness, and earnestness, and vulnerability. And we need just enough of those things to occasionally do something so remarkably unchill as fall in love.
in conclusion: you will make better things if you go grave robbing in really weird and shitty cemeteries that no one else likes
never apologize for your terrible taste. the ability to derive enjoyment from something no one else can stand is a form of comparative advantage this is especially true in creative fields, where everything is built from the bones of everything else and you make "novel" stuff by importing fresh new bones in conclusion: you will make better things if you go grave robbing in really weird and shitty cemeteries that no one else likes