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Carnap, when he was an impecunious graduate student in Germany during the hyperinflation of the early 1920s, had written to Russell to request a copy of this 1,929 page, three-volume tome, which was unavailable — or unaffordable — and Russell had responded with a thirty-five-page letter detailing all its main proofs.
Pumping the water
Pumping the water
Today I learned the valuable lesson of the dry run. Testing out a software upgrade on a test instance proved to be a comedy of errors. Th...
Pumping the water
Lunch Break — CJ Eller
Lunch Break — CJ Eller
This also tangentially relates to my slippers as portals theory — that the act of eating a meal is a portal back to the home, not something tied to work…A reminder that there is more to life than AWS infrastructure, that there is food, love, and home.
Lunch Break — CJ Eller