It’s a collection of small functions and properties without a linear story. Part of me does not want to encourage people to use RxSwift for the reasons I’ve outlined. But part of me very much wants to encourage people to use RxSwift — because change comes, in part, from the community pushing the state of the art. But if you do use it, and some time in the future there’s a nice, declarative way of handling events and dealing with state, then I’ll have you to thank for helping make that come true.
it’s likely that the iOS team can crib their solution, platform differences aside. That’s very powerful, as it leads to us all speaking a common language, even though our actual languages are very different.
The first step to converting this to use Rx is to think of what the inputs and outputs are. What causes things to happen? What causes us to do a computation, or change what we present to the user?