Slow is Smooth
I had in Gym Jones speak, blown up. Only by slowing down, reunderwriting my goals, refining my priorities, and refocusing on being efficient with my efforts did I find my bearings. Like my experience on the AirDyne, the focus on efficiency had a material positive impact on my output.
what it takes to be sustaining
Some fruits take a long time to bear, but longsightedness is not something that is encouraged, taught or practiced in today’s age. This is a hard lesson for me to learn, and I am still learning it. I am so used to punishing myself, to feel like something is only working if I suffered for it. When it feels easy it is probably not real. I subconsciously apply this mentality to everything in my life, including relationships. I sneer at the easy things and then blame myself when things fail because I keep picking the difficult ones. I think to be able to stoke a fire until it is slowly, steadily burning instead of burning out too fast, is a life skill. To resist the urge to fan the fire faster. To know that it would be better for the fire to last in the long run. Joy is a subtle navigation tool, I think. It is a signal that what we are working for is clicking with us internally, with our internal value system.