Understanding profunctorsProfunctors are bifunctors that are contravariant in their first type argument and covariant in their second one.#type-classes#profunctor#contravariance#covariance#functor#bifunctor·typeclasses.com·Aug 11, 2019Understanding profunctors
Some news about contramapWe've seen that contramap is a powerful operation, but the name isn't fantastic. We propose a much more intuitive name for this operation, and in doing so make our code much easier to read.#contravariance#point-free#functor#pullback·pointfree.co·Aug 11, 2019Some news about contramap
Understanding contravarianceit is often a surprise for people to learn that function composition is the `fmap` of functions#type-classes#functor#contravariance·typeclasses.com·Aug 11, 2019Understanding contravariance