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The Fractal Dimension of ZIP Codes
The Fractal Dimension of ZIP Codes
ZIP codes have become part of our culture, organizing our locations and determining the flow of mail. There is an order and a structure to this mail system that is similar to that of many natural systems. Let's use the nearly-50-year anniversary of ZIP codes as an opportunity to examine their quantitative aspects.
The Fractal Dimension of ZIP Codes
#91: Music for Airports
#91: Music for Airports
Now, we can admit, at sufficiently high resolution we’re all effectively homeless a lot of the time. ​ Last week, I attended Ribbonfarm’s annual meetup in Los Angeles (which was fantastic). In Venkatesh Rao’s closing remarks, he observed that the audience wasn’t so much a community as an airport: a bunch of people on individual trajectories sharing the same physical space momentarily before dispersing again. ​ If we can instead learn to design parts of the world for airport-like assemblages and the fractal nature of physical existence — the world we currently inhabit — we might actually find that we get more of what we’re seeking from communities.
#91: Music for Airports