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🎶 A collection of types and functions that enhance the Swift language. - swift-prelude/Sources/Optics at 8cb25510cd54be91d28f0466e37f337aca815b74 · pointfreeco/swift-prelude
Nested Mapping
Nested Mapping
“Free map functions express the nesting nicely: map: ((A) -> B) -> (Signal) -> Signal map: ((A) -> B) -> ([A]) -> [B] Then the nested map is function composition: (map < map): ((A) -> B) -> (Signal
Nested Mapping
2018 Year-in-Review
2018 Year-in-Review
“...and without the abstract episodes we’d be stuck in an endless loop of adding superficial niceties to our code that don’t meaningfully improve it in a significant way.”
2018 Year-in-Review