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Adjunctions as a way to relate two objects (from possibly different categories).
Adjunctions as a way to relate two objects (from possibly different categories).
An adjunction is a way to relate two objects a and c, but not directly: C(a,c) Instead, we get two maps, (L)eft and (R)ight, which allow to relate them: C(L(a),c) A(a,R(c)) 1/n The means that there's a pair of arrows, one in each direction, that these two hom-sets are isomorphic. The first example given is currying: a function in two arguments is equivalent to a function of one argument returning another function in the remaining argument. 2/n We can write this like so: C(a✕b,c) C(a,c^b) where L = _✕b, and R = _^b.
Adjunctions as a way to relate two objects (from possibly different categories).