“Only spend time on people and activities that could break your heart. Otherwise, even if you win, will it have been worth it?”Only spend time on people and activities that could break your heart. Otherwise, even if you win, will it have been worth it?#sam-gerstenzang#love#time·mobile.twitter.com·Mar 22, 2019“Only spend time on people and activities that could break your heart. Otherwise, even if you win, will it have been worth it?”
Love, Happiness, and TimeMany of us think of love and happiness as an object – a thing to obtain. And once we have it, we’re scared to let it go. But there’s a better way to look at it – and even create more of it, without fear of loss.#finiteness#love#happiness#october#time#farnam-street·fs.blog·Feb 5, 2019Love, Happiness, and Time