“@anildash @KristyT I don't even think this is really about whether an org is good or bad. I see this as human nature. People who proclaim themselves vividly as X get *really* defensive when called out on not behaving true to X”
Camille Fournier on Twitter: "This reminds me that I have a half-written blog post about being mid-career in tech that has no conclusion because, well, as you can see, it's unclear to me how to best use this time"
“This reminds me that I have a half-written blog post about being mid-career in tech that has no conclusion because, well, as you can see, it's unclear to me how to best use this time”
Andy Baio on Twitter: "I’m expecting a few days where I have to keep my eyes closed. I’d love your suggestions for audio escapism — podcasts, audiobooks, games, and other non-visual projects that don’t require intense concentration and are easy to
“I’m expecting a few days where I have to keep my eyes closed. I’d love your suggestions for audio escapism — podcasts, audiobooks, games, and other non-visual projects that don’t require intense concentration and are easy to lose yourself in.”
Last night, Twitter gave its users the option to switch back to a purely chronological timeline. Meanwhile, today we updated the "Show the best Tweets first" setting. When off, you'll only see Tweets from peop
“...but if I could smile at a person in the real world in a way that would radically increase the likelihood that others would smile at that person, too, then I’d be doing that all day long.”
“You go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about engineering. What is it?”
“You go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about engineering. What is it?🤔 I’m putting this question to @Twitter engineers from around the world who are in San Francisco for #oneteam this week. Here’s what they have to say👇”
On September 12, as far as Facebook is concerned I won’t exist. Yesterday, I permanently deleted my Facebook account. I let go of 300,000 followers, 1200 friends and the blue seal of authenticity. …
“Twitter friends: what’s your most underappreciated tweet? Don’t think too hard about it. Just share something that you appreciated more than your audience did.”
calling it now: the next successful social media site will be a MUD with gardening instead of combat mechanicspeople want to be in a place that they personally (alongside their friends) can exert effort to make better, even if only in small ways— Max Kreminski (@maxkreminski) August 18, 2018
“Because the things you wrote in your diary, even your public one, may make sense in the moment, but a few years down the line, many thoughts and expressions will undoubtedly be cringe-worthy (or worse). We all know this feeling. And now because of services like Twitter (and yes, even blogs), some people experience this embarrassment (or worse) in public.”