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The product-minded engineer
The product-minded engineer
Product-minded engineers like to understand the "why?" behind all things. Why build this feature for the product, why not the other one? ​ Product-minded engineers like talking with people outside engineering, learning about what and why they do. They are smooth communicators, making it clear they're interested in learning more about how other disciplines work. I frequently see them grabbing coffee, lunch, or doing a hallway chat with non-engineers. ​ Juggling both the product and engineering tradeoffs and the impact of each is a unique strength product-minded engineers have. ​ After rollout, they still actively engage with product managers, data scientists, and customer support channels, to learn how the feature is being used in the real world.
The product-minded engineer
Create space for others.
Create space for others.
it can be a difficult transition from essential to adjacent. ​ This transition requires learning to deliberately create space for the team around you, and comes down to actively involving them in discussions, decisions, and ultimately substituting sponsorship for repeating the successes that got you to Staff in the first place. ​ When you make a key contribution, feel good about it, and then think about what needs to happen for someone else to make that contribution next time. ​ Be the one to take notes, this helps destigmatize note taking as “low status” and also frees up an alternative would-be notetaker to contribute more instead. ​ If you need a rule of thumb, keep a sponsorship journal and ensure you’re sponsoring others at least a few times a month – if you find yourself sponsoring less frequently than that, dig into what’s stopping you.
Create space for others.
‘Big Friendship,’ by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman: An Excerpt
‘Big Friendship,’ by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman: An Excerpt
And social media is playing a role, allowing them to distantly observe people they once truly felt connected to, which opens up the gap between their wishes for those friendships and the more anemic reality ​ our lives are not as easily separated into pots that can be placed on separate burners. Extinguishing friendship has consequences for every other aspect of life. ​ As anyone who’s taken time out of the workforce to be a full-time caregiver knows, it’s not always easy to switch a burner back on after it’s been extinguished for a long time. ​ We’re more interested in resilience. You can’t stay truly connected without some level of misunderstanding or conflict, so the real Big Friendship goal is just to stay in it. Instead of pretending we won’t be challenged, we want the ability to bounce back and heal our inevitable wounds. ​ “Friendships don’t have the hallmarks,” Langan says. “They don’t have the milestones.” So it’s up to the people in the friendship to create them. ​ Langan says that another key to staying attached is to find verbal and nonverbal ways to tell each other you plan to be there in the future. ​ Usually the only way through it is to acknowledge it’s happening. And yes, it’s hard. ​ No one human can meet your every single emotional need.
‘Big Friendship,’ by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman: An Excerpt
Dark and the long term
Dark and the long term
TL;DR: We’re taking a longer term approach to building Dark. As part of this, we’ve made the difficult decision to shrink Dark’s team, and…
Dark and the long term
How to revise your own writing
How to revise your own writing
Revision requires you to have faith in your own ability to improve your work. ​ Try something else. What if you give yourself that reward immediately, as a way to coddle your writer brain and help it along? If I let myself go sit outside with a seltzer and a book for 20 minutes (so decadent), it helps me feel like a functioning, healthy person who can sit down and read her terrible draft. ​ If I can forgive myself for being imperfect,
How to revise your own writing
Elviro Rocca’s “Advanced Swift Optics” talk
Elviro Rocca’s “Advanced Swift Optics” talk
Functional optics, like lenses and prisms, are incredible tools for manipulating data structures in a declarative and composable way. Let’s take a deep dive into functional optics in Swift. In this talk we’ll explore more optic types than just Lens and Prism, and unlock their ability to compose at multiple levels. We’ll then leverage composition to operate on complex data structures, avoid Optional handling with the Affine optic, and explore more sophisticated usages that go beyond data manipulation.
Elviro Rocca’s “Advanced Swift Optics” talk
six months playing infinite games
six months playing infinite games
start a team playlist. the best adventures have soundtracks. ​ write down everything as it happens, in real time—because the best adventures have storytellers, and what are startups if not stories? ​ spend everyday thankful that this tiny collection of extraordinary humans came into your life when you didn't know that they would be exactly what you needed.
six months playing infinite games
Colorful Headings
Colorful Headings
That’s a clunky way of saying “when something is different, make it look different.” The best designers, in my opinion, take this to heart and don’t use too many variants to make those differences as clear as possible.
Colorful Headings
Linear Method
Linear Method
Our daily work might be filled with tasks but we should understand and remind our teams of the purpose and long term goals of our work. You don't need to save every feature request or piece of feedback. Important ones will resurface and low priority ones will never get fixed. get to know your users and ask them to explain why they want a specific feature so you find out their needs. Solve the problem – don’t just build the feature.
Linear Method
Slow is Smooth
Slow is Smooth
I had in Gym Jones speak, blown up. Only by slowing down, reunderwriting my goals, refining my priorities, and refocusing on being efficient with my efforts did I find my bearings. Like my experience on the AirDyne, the focus on efficiency had a material positive impact on my output.
Slow is Smooth
Introducing Style Check
Introducing Style Check
Style Check is like having a personal editor-in-chief on your device, carefully reviewing your text for redundancies, clichés and filler words as you type. It's simple, different, powerful, and available for Mac, iOS, Windows and Android.
Introducing Style Check