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Mathematical proof that rocked number theory will be published
Mathematical proof that rocked number theory will be published
the journal’s acceptance would create a situation that is “historically unparalleled in mathematics: a claim by a well-respected journal that they have vetted the proof of an extremely well-known conjecture, while most experts in the field who have looked into this have been unable to understand the proof”.
Mathematical proof that rocked number theory will be published
#121: Don’t Go Back to Rockville
#121: Don’t Go Back to Rockville
Thinking about the future, at its best, is really just another way to process the present, and there’s never been a better time to do that. ​ but what’s increasingly obvious to me is how this crisis will decisively divide the world in two along many different axes. Some of those fault lines are obvious, and were already splitting open: at-risk or healthy; hourly or salaried; manual laborer or knowledge worker.
#121: Don’t Go Back to Rockville
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Logical Verification
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Logical Verification
Companion files for Logical Verification 2020–2021 at VU Amsterdam - GitHub - blanchette/logical_verification_2020: Companion files for Logical Verification 2020–2021 at VU Amsterdam
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Logical Verification
Positional Scarcity and the Virus
Positional Scarcity and the Virus
You can’t help but wonder: if we’re forced for an entire year to forego the in-person benefits of these practices, what happens when life returns to normal? ​ It’s basic human nature to pursue positional scarcity, and to do whatever it takes to compete for it. The virus won’t change that.
Positional Scarcity and the Virus
Should you freeze coffee?
Should you freeze coffee?
I get asked this question a lot, and it is time to give you an answer. Broadly, for excess coffee, freezing is a great storage solution. The coffee giveaway: Music: "No More" by lwfi Take your films to the next level with music from Musicbed. Sign up for a free account to listen for yourself: Links: Patreon: My Books: The World Atlas of Coffee: The Best of Jimseven: Limited Edition Merch: Instagram: Twitter: My glasses: My hair product of choice: Neewer Products I Use:
Should you freeze coffee?
What comes to mind when you read the word “graph”? Graph paper? Graphing calculator? High school math homework? Unfortunately, the word is overloaded with meaning, and none of the above are what a mathematician usually means when they say “a graph." They mean something like this.
The Future of Twitter is Collections
The Future of Twitter is Collections
The problem is Twitter is supposed to be an interest graph, but really it is just a people graph because you can’t follow interests on Twitter, you follow people.
The Future of Twitter is Collections
Explain Like I’m 3
Explain Like I’m 3
kids just take it in stride. They’re constantly collecting new and surprising information, processing it, and promptly moving on with their new reality. ​ But being asked to explain each change to a 3 year old helps me feel ready to move on with each new reality.
Explain Like I’m 3
Mathematics as a Team Sport
Mathematics as a Team Sport
Intentional serendipity is a motif at Oberwolfach. The institute works to minimize distractions from math and to remove any barriers to collaboration. No locks, restricted Wi-Fi, and meals served family style with seats assigned at random before lunch and dinner. ​ we’ve only just begun to explore, with landing parties here and there along the coast and a small number of successful excursions into the interior. ​ They listen as if they’re exploring dangerous new terrain and their lives depend on understanding each other. ​ nearly transcribing themselves in chalk as they went. ​ unspooled rows of symbols, ​ “Sometimes you don’t ask yourself the correct questions, but people can ask them for you,” she said. ​ But math is like everything else: To be successful you have to be able to communicate.”
Mathematics as a Team Sport
Sultan + Shepard vs. The Boxer Rebellion - Keep Moving (Sultan + Shepard Extended Reboot)
Sultan + Shepard vs. The Boxer Rebellion - Keep Moving (Sultan + Shepard Extended Reboot)
Listen here ▶️ Dance music icons Sultan + Shepard celebrate the fifth anniversary of their hit "Keep Moving" with The Boxer Rebellion by releasing a reboot of the 2014's single. Classics fans have nothing to fear, as the original's heartfelt, cathartic vocals still shine amid soundscapes where delicate melodies concinnate with a muted progressive bassline. The original single amassed over 5M streams on Spotify, and the reboot does its justice for the modern era! Release Date: Dec 13 Sultan + Shepard Protocol Recordings
Sultan + Shepard vs. The Boxer Rebellion - Keep Moving (Sultan + Shepard Extended Reboot)
Matt’s Now page
Matt’s Now page
This now page covers the things I’m thinking, feeling, and working on, well, right now.
Matt’s Now page
Americans Love Poetry, But Not Poetry Books
Americans Love Poetry, But Not Poetry Books
may also be because of the nature of poetry itself: since each poem is its own complete aesthetic experience, maybe readers feel less inclined to engage with poetry books, no matter how much they’ve enjoyed individual poems. ​ Our hope is that readers who like the prose we publish may discover, as they poke around our catalog, that they like the poetry too
Americans Love Poetry, But Not Poetry Books
How Will the Coronavirus End?
How Will the Coronavirus End?
People whose privilege and power would normally shield them from a crisis are facing quarantines, testing positive, and losing loved ones. Senators are falling sick. ​ Perhaps it will appreciate that health-care workers and public-health specialists compose America’s social immune system, ​ Group B includes everyone else, and their job is to buy Group A more time. ​ We realized that her child might be one of the first of a new cohort who are born into a society profoundly altered by COVID-19. We decided to call them Generation C.
How Will the Coronavirus End?
É. Urcades’ homepage
É. Urcades’ homepage
More often than not, the most meaningful human activity boils down to providing support structure for one another. In turn, the most meaningful “designed” output is the infrastructural.
É. Urcades’ homepage
The pandemic has fractured the discourse, exposing how many layers of assumptions formed the bedrock. ​ Under quarantine conditions, there is less opportunity to physically signal one’s participation in a culture, so clothing and conspicuous consumption matter less. ​ Knowledge tooling will be extremely important to this new set of online cultural formation. ​ We’ll see a dramatic acceleration of the exodus from clearnet that began a few years ago. ​ Cities will need to put incentives in place for small businesses to take over these spaces, and stem the blight of banks and pharmacies that have eaten ground floor retail, have genericized walkable cities in the last decade. ​ People who left the city due to safety concerns or simply for affordability reasons may not return. Combined with the increasing viability of remote work and zero-hour contracting, we may see further evacuation of the city and a new wave of suburbanization. ​ The increased availability of urban space relative to demand that results from this will create new opportunities for communities and cultural production to manifest themselves in the physical world. ​ in the second, that same realm is reinvigorated and returned to its true stakeholders, the people who live there. Breathe. Read the air. The real knowledge work begins
The thing about blogging is
The thing about blogging is
how they escape their old loops, how they become more themselves, and where they end up. ​ This is the kind of artistic X-ray that makes you want to seek out the subject, put the flesh back on the bones. Which is what I did, and: I loved it. ​ A blogger can simply love a thing, and write about it. ​ an encyclopedia of appreciations.
The thing about blogging is