Found 2458 bookmarks
Love in the Time of Instagram
Love in the Time of Instagram
it's just so much easier for us to broadcast our love now. ​ He is ambivalent about the medium of social photography, arguing that the technology is only a tool that exposes existing fractures in the community and the self. ​ As Jean Baudrillard predicted in the middle of the 20th century, the camera went from changing the way we remember to changing the way we see. ​ To my son and daughters, when you read this one day: I see you and I love you with that eye too.
Love in the Time of Instagram
#95: Stuck in the Middle With You
#95: Stuck in the Middle With You
The most durable role for humans in the near future that’s actually coming, then, involves a strange role reversal with software: Our job is to function as the interfaces between inscrutable automated systems of various scales whose internal operations proceed without our involvement, but can only extend their reach with our help. Instead of eliminating the middleman, digital platforms have solidified that as our permanent role—the most human job of all.
#95: Stuck in the Middle With You
#96: Space Dust
#96: Space Dust
Stoller’s basic thesis is that private equity transforms corporations from institutions that make things and employ people into vehicles for extracting value, shifting that value toward a company’s owners, and then discarding whatever’s left. ​ In this climate, value of any kind is hard to confine to bounded places, even though much of the infrastructure of our society is still set up to operate under that assumption.
#96: Space Dust
Ranjan and Can’s post on the “SMART” Act
Ranjan and Can’s post on the “SMART” Act
Experiencing your feed without numbers is such a fundamentally different thing. You evaluate every bit of content, not in the context of external approval (how many Likes or the numerical influence of the creator), but simply in the act of its consumption. but for all organic usage, let's make it a numbers-free space. Compensation (stock or cash) based on increased usage and engagement targets has to be somehow changed. I'm not sure what that exactly looks like, but I am certain that as long as this isn't fixed, even with the implementation of the first four planks, we’re still going to be facing the same challenges
Ranjan and Can’s post on the “SMART” Act
Simple custom Combine operators
Simple custom Combine operators
Seems like `Publisher.handleEvents(receiveSubscription:receiveOutput:receiveCompletion:receiveCancel:receiveRequest:)` is Combine’s `do` equivalent.
Simple custom Combine operators
Book Review: The Little Typer
Book Review: The Little Typer
A dependent type is a type that is parameterized by a value. Lots of languages have types that are parameterized by other types, like `List`, but those are not dependent types. Dependent types are parameterized by instances of types.
Book Review: The Little Typer
SE-0156’s note about merging `class` and `AnyObject` reference-type existentials
SE-0156’s note about merging `class` and `AnyObject` reference-type existentials
Whenever I mentally parse `protocol SomeProtocol: SomeOtherProtocol`, it’s meant to imply `SomeProtocol` adds additional requirements onto another protocol, namely `SomeOtherProtocol`’s. What’s odd about class-constraining protocols is that it’s been a weird historical inconsistency in Swift where the term to the right of the `:` _isn’t_ a protocol and instead a reserved word. All reference types implicitly conform to `AnyObject`, which, being a protocol, makes it a more consistent way of class constraining than remembering the special `: class` trick. This merging of concepts was lightly mentioned in [SE-0156]( (link to specific line).
SE-0156’s note about merging `class` and `AnyObject` reference-type existentials
Shit sucks sometimes but it is pretty cool to be alive in NYC right now, seems like everyone I meet is pouring their hearts and souls into music, photography, or a new business idea, and it’s special to see how careers grow and friends help each other along the way. I am frustrated with myself beca
You should delete your tweets
You should delete your tweets
This piece reminded me of a [recent addition]( to my Daily List, “write for yourself and Distillations.” By keeping Twitter usage ephemeral, it might be easier to [keep stock]( on my own domain.
You should delete your tweets
The rising sea in applied mathematics
The rising sea in applied mathematics
Grothendieck views the mathematician and the problem as complimenting each other, the mathematician using the problem’s natural structure in its solution, rather than striking it with a foreign, invasive method. My view is that any problem that has resisted repeated direct attack from problem solvers, should naturally be of interest to theory builders. If you can’t solve a problem directly, then grow a crystal of theory around the problem and then hope that the solution you are looking for can be located somewhere inside the crystal. This is hard because the same person needs to know about both category theory and the problem domain, which is quite a heavy demand on a human brain.
The rising sea in applied mathematics
Does it matter if Hask is (not) a category?
Does it matter if Hask is (not) a category?
Andrej Bauer raises a question whether Hask is a real category. I think it’s a legitimate question to ask, especially by a mathematician or programming languages researcher. But I want to look closer at how a (probably negative) answer to this question would affect Haskell and its community.
Does it matter if Hask is (not) a category?
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You’d need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You’d need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You'd need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads, like— Joe Groff (@jckarter) July 21, 2019
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You’d need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads
Let’s Talk Like We Used To
Let’s Talk Like We Used To
As one astute tweet put it, “1999: there are thousands of websites, all hyperlinked together. 2019: there are four websites, each filled with screenshots of the other three.” ​ I just let the ideas fly. People did relate, usually, although—importantly, I think—sometimes they didn’t. That was okay, and expected. I was just saying things. ​ Long live the blog. Long live straightforwardly sharing what’s in our hearts.
Let’s Talk Like We Used To
#94: Plastic Beach
#94: Plastic Beach
Maybe, to a more advanced civilization, our trash and ruins would just be invisible, the way so much of what we call nature is invisible to us. The concept of nature, in a sense, is a way to describe or categorize what is outside the scope of human agency or immediate understanding, and that scope is always shifting, frequently in unintended directions.
#94: Plastic Beach