XOXO Holiday Market
The Peach Pack
Tomorrow's the last day to back The Peach Pack, Ami's followup to You Think You Know Me, a fun and thoughtful game worth supporting.
Keeping Things Whole
At the service, I read the eulogy below, which tried to explain why he was special to so many of us. Writing it was easy, at least in part because he wrote the best bits himself. The hard part was reading it. He laughed at his own jokes and at yours. He made it very easy to love him.
How iOS Encourages Healthy Password Practices
Calendar Mirroring
“Open sourced a small tool I use to put "Busy" events on my work calendar when I create events on my personal calendar, powered by @IFTTT and Amazon Lambda: https://t.co/22MCaIgbP9 It's run 718 times over the past year and a half with zero maintenance!”
Rocket Fantastic
“I’m neither wise nor smart enough to answer the question Is Amazon good for Seattle? But the position of most non-Amazon tech companies in Seattle is that they’re thankful for Amazon’s presence, if for no other reason that they act as a lightning rod for all criticism of Seattle’s rapid upheaval.”
Everest’s Next Game
“my next game project--- the ground itself -- is this one session table-top storytelling game for 2-6 players, about specific places over highly variable time periods. it uses accessible materials (deck of cards, coin, 6 sided die, paper) and takes a few hours to play”
Gary on the event-stream Injection
“An NPM package with 2,000,000 weekly downloads had malicious code injected into it. No one knows what the malicious code does yet. https://t.co/V4rdenu7Bm”
Jonny’s Thread on His Avatar
“trying out a new avatar for a bit. i've been thinking a lot about what it means that i don't feel comfortable with my own face and why i generally feel more comfortable writing through a pseudonymous identity, and how that often feels more real and genuine than my own face.”
Frustration w/ Units
i cant take this right now im going for a fucking walk— i n n e s (@innesmck) November 26, 2018
I Know You Love Manhattan But You Should Look Up More Often
"Even under winter’s tightest fist some light still slips through to you, and isn’t that a miracle?"
Generative Poetry
there we go pic.twitter.com/EEzW6DGu3u— everest (@everestpipkin) November 24, 2018
On Manager README.md’s
“@anildash @KristyT I don't even think this is really about whether an org is good or bad. I see this as human nature. People who proclaim themselves vividly as X get *really* defensive when called out on not behaving true to X”
Cleaning House
“I let my work seep into every hour that I had previously kept sacred as mine. When I walked home from the office, or did chores around my apartment, I listened to the political news that I had missed while working. When I slept, I was visited by my projects and colleagues in my sleep. When I ran in the park in the morning, instead of seeing the trees, I envisioned tasks I planned to complete later in the day.” “This house has weathered the upbringing of two children and one divorce.” “Eleni and I are still close friends, but we no longer do each others hair.”
Operating Instapaper Through an Acquisition
Brian Donohue [https://twitter.com/bthdonohue] is President of Instapaper [https://www.instapaper.com/] and a Product Engineering Manager at Pinterest [https://www.pinterest.com/]. You can find him on Twitter @bthdonohue [https://twitter.com/bthdonohue]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topics 00:00 [https://youtu.be/u3Gu0EX98Cg?t=0s] – The history of Instapaper 8:00 [https://youtu.be/u3Gu0EX98Cg?t=8m] – Free competitors enter the market 10:0
Normalizing Stating Pronouns
Understanding Potential
There's also a useful version of such critical remarks which can be made. One wants two things: (a) remarks which help people understand their own potential better; and (b) remarks which help people better understand what's involved in working in a particular field.— Michael Nielsen (@michael_nielsen) November 24, 2018
Instagram Stories’ Viewers Section
Has anyone written a psychology paper about the Instagram stories “viewers” section— Nicole He (@nicolehe) November 24, 2018
MB’s Gratitude List
80. Poetry. Like this by e. e. cummings. pic.twitter.com/MXinHotAIF— mb (@mb) November 22, 2018
Thread of Shortcuts
If you’re looking for some ways to use the Shortcuts app, here’s a thread of examples:— Matthew Cassinelli (@mattcassinelli) November 8, 2018
Asking for and Accepting Help
i can't stress enough how much it's helped/healed me to be in a relationship where my partner asks for and accepts help from me. it's cool to be properly self-sufficient, of course, but it can also be really damaging to not ask for help or accept the occasional favor— bb ghost (@emilywithcurls) November 22, 2018
Looking For Syllabus 2.0
Font Changes for Copy Editing
Yes! I recommend this for proofreading all the time. https://t.co/vW1z5xNv46— Sid Orlando (@ohreallysid) November 14, 2018
“The days throw up a closed sign around four.”
“Calmness in Activity”
Yotto 'Hyperfall'
Satisfaction and progress in open-ended work
“For more open-ended problems, much of the challenge lies in figuring out what to do next. These rich questions offer deep satisfaction on longer time scales, but without a clear sense of progress, each day ends ambiguously. Was today good? Will these tinkerings add up to anything? In what timeframe? Who knows. Ultimately: what structures around progress, self-correction, and operations can help us in open-ended mode? These questions are intensely personal, but I hope that notes from my journey here may help your own.”
Bloom Filters and Swift 4.2