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watchOS 5: The BirchTree Review
watchOS 5: The BirchTree Review
Every September since Apple released the Apple Watch, we’ve seen a brand new version of watchOS come out that improves the experience. Here’s a brief recap: * watchOS 1 (Apr 2015): way more functionality than needed, and super slow * watchOS 2 (Sep 2015): slightly faster, and better APIs for
watchOS 5: The BirchTree Review
Apple Watch Series 4
Apple Watch Series 4
“They’re winning, but they don’t just want to win the race. They want to win the race while driving the best-looking car on the track.”
Apple Watch Series 4
A willingness to be bad
A willingness to be bad
“We have a vague idea in our head of the “price” of certain accomplishments, how difficult it should be to get a degree, or succeed at a job, or stay in shape, or raise a kid, or build a house. And that vague idea is almost always catastrophically wrong. Accomplishing worthwhile things isn’t just a little harder than people think; it’s 10 or 20 times harder.” “But the switch towards taking on a practice and discipline is admitting to yourself that you suck and you want to get better.”
A willingness to be bad
Jonny Sun Signs 3-Book Deal With HarperCollins
Jonny Sun Signs 3-Book Deal With HarperCollins
Jonny Sun is staying in business with HarperCollins Publishers courtesy of a three-book deal following the success of his “Everyone’s a Aliebn When ur a Aliebn Too.”
Jonny Sun Signs 3-Book Deal With HarperCollins
"Why White People Don’t Use White Emoji"
"Why White People Don’t Use White Emoji"
Light-skin-tone symbols are used far less often in the U.S. than their darker counterparts. Does shame explain the disparity?
"Why White People Don’t Use White Emoji"
Upside-down Smiley Face
Upside-down Smiley Face
In June 2015, the Unicode Consortium blessed us with a handful of new emoji including a burrito 🌯  and a cheese wedge 🧀. Perhaps the most think-piecey new addition to Unicode 8.0  was the inclusion of various skin-tone options for the hand-gesture and people emoji, which sparked
Upside-down Smiley Face
The price of relevance is fluency
The price of relevance is fluency
“You see, there is no "Twitter mob", there's only people. And people shape culture, and culture evolves. But in the past, the powerful could keep themselves isolated from the way culture evolves, if they wanted to.”
The price of relevance is fluency
Alone at the Movies
Alone at the Movies
Signed talk story about the writer, in 1977, seeing “Star Wars” twenty-one times over the course of the summer, mostly by himself... I was using the …
Alone at the Movies
Social networks & the online reality of identity
Social networks & the online reality of identity
Like everyone else, I watched the Washington Social Media circus with interest. A lot of words were used. Crocodile tears shed. Promises made. Bouquets of derision thrown. But no one actually said …
Social networks & the online reality of identity
CEO Coaches
CEO Coaches
“An athlete without a coach is incomplete. So, why don’t we think the same way about coaches for CEOs?” “Matt’s coaching methodology is to act as a shadow CEO one day a week, including sitting in on all the one-on-one meets with the senior team and on the leadership meeting. Matt’s initial focus was on improving my personal productivity with a set of tools like GTD and a series of audits of my time and processes.. Once I was convinced of the benefit, he moved his focus to my senior team and the rest of the organization.”
CEO Coaches
Reading aloud
Reading aloud
I’m proofing the third pass of Keep Going. I find it really difficult at this stage of a project to get the right perspective — “fresh eyes” — for the thing, which makes it really, really hard to make edits. The production schedule for this book has been much more accelerated than any of my
Reading aloud
Recipient “Protection” and Sender Preference
Recipient “Protection” and Sender Preference
“This is in line with the internet's idea that it's up to every individual to "protect" themselves with their own filters and settings I don't believe full responsibility should be on the receiving end. I wish our tools gave responsibility to senders for how they communicate.”
Recipient “Protection” and Sender Preference
Look at your fish
Look at your fish
“Insight comes, more often than not, from looking at what’s been on the table all along, in front of everybody, rather than from discovering something new.” —David McCullough In his Paris Review interview, David McCullough talks about how important seeing is to the writer and historian, and
Look at your fish
The Constant Consumer
The Constant Consumer
“If the customer is always right, then you’re never wrong when you’re consuming. No contemporary company has offered that Faustian bargain more broadly and aggressively than Amazon. In a previous era, being at home meant you probably weren’t shopping. The mall was, as Ian Bogost noted in an essay for the Atlantic, where “consumerism roared and swelled but, inevitably, remained contained.” Freeing consumerism from that containment was one of the internet’s earliest applications, streamlining the process of shopping at home, and later, on phones.” “Recent technologies have enabled the role of customer to be fused with the newer role of user, who inhabits an entire system rather than a specific transaction”
The Constant Consumer