365 Days of Pome
A lot has shifted for me personally during my 365 days of Pome. I changed jobs and moved to a new city even more packed with writers than my last; full of readings and poems in the physical world. I have a new schedule, new rhythms. And I keenly feel the need to make room for fresh projects and ideas, not get too comfortable.
A Magic Moment
With about a minute to go, I opened up my AirPods, ensured they were connected to my iPhone, woke Erin up, and handed her one. She popped in the left, me the right, and we were able to share New Year’s together. We did so silently, with Declan sleeping between us, none the wiser. I’ll forget AirPods one day. I won’t forget the opening of 2017. With my little family, all huddled in one hotel room bed, celebrating together, each in our own little way.
Barely Managing
CocoaLove focuses on talks which don’t deprecate as soon as you leave. In 2015, Matt gave this talk.
Matt lead teams that make software at Tumblr, and makes software himself with his partners at Lickability. His talk was about why you might want to step away from the keyboard and into leadership, and what happens when you do. It’s about the difference between managing programs and managing people.