Micro Monday - Episode 58: Joe Cieplinski
Treehouse Window
WWDC on a Budget
I know conferences can be expensive, and everyone has to judge for themselves what “affordable” means. But I’ve seen a lot of people lately say that they simply can’t do WWDC anymore because it’s “way too expensive” and I wanted to address that. Now, of course, depending
On using iOS full-time for writing
Every time I take my iPad out to the cafe instead of my laptop to encourage myself to get some writing done, I’m reminded that if I were primarily a writer, there’s no doubt in my mind I’d be using iOS full time by now.
Using Tally
I was recently asked on Twitter for practical examples of how I use Tally, made by Greg Pierce of Agile Tortoise. My response is way too long, even for the new 280-character limit, though, so I thought I’d write it up here. Note: This is not a paid endorsement.
Say Hello to RECaf
I’ve been talking myself out of building this app for three years. That’s how long I’ve been logging my caffeine intake with my iPhone and wishing there were a better way to do it. Over the years, I’ve tried just about all the caffeine apps. Most