“Dread” by Meghan O’RourkeDropbox mirror: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8eexi1xb775rmez/Screen%20Shot%202020-08-14%20at%201.09.26%20PM.png?dl=0 The moon wired to the sky the children we’re becoming, / those orphans—#meghan-orourke#moon#aging#poetry#via-pome·seeking-stars.com·Aug 14, 2020“Dread” by Meghan O’Rourke
Honeymoon by Hala Alyanand the moon is a spider tracking its white mud across the sky. We take Rome with us to Rome.#hala-alyan#poetry#defamiliarization#moon·poetryfoundation.org·Feb 28, 2020Honeymoon by Hala Alyan