MSDN Channel 9’s Rx videos
Quick Notes on Yesterday’s Post
Within hours of yesterday's post, I had some new information to consider.
Combine: Where’s the Beef?
Let's start discussing Apple's Combine framework by discussing what's missing
Building Up to Combine
Apple has released their take on RxSwift. In order to understand it, one must start from the beginning.
RxSwift to Apple’s Combine “Cheat Sheet”
Get started with Apple’s Combine with your existing RxSwift knowledge
Expert to Expert: Brian Beckman and Erik Meijer - Inside the .NET Reactive Framework (Rx)
Cross posted from
Erik Meijer and team (developer Wes Dyer, in particular) have created a profound and beautiful .NET library that will take managed event based programming to new levels. Of course, many of you wish that you could write LINQ expressions over events. Well, now you can thanks to Erik's and Wes Dyer's latest creation, Rx - .NET Reactive Framework. Erik, being a fundamentalist functional theoritician, can't create new programming abstractions without employing some form of monadic magic.
Enter astrophysicist and monadic composition wizard Brian Beckman. The last time Brian was on C9 he taught us about the State Monad. At the end of that discussion he mentioned he wanted to teach us about the Continuation Monad next. So, who better to conduct this episode of Expert to Expert than Dr. Beckman? Yep. You guessed it! Rx employs the Continuation Monad in its composition. Erik is in the hot seat this time and it's always a real pleasure to converse with Erik and Brian in the same room at the same whiteboard.
Now, what is Rx?
The .NET Reactive Framework (Rx) is the mathematical dual of LINQ to Objects. It consists of a pair of interfaces IObserver/IObservable that represent push-based, or observable, collections, plus a library of extension methods that implement the LINQ Standard Query Operators and other useful stream transformation functions.
Observable collections capture the essence of the well-known subject/observer design pattern, and are tremendously useful for dealing with event-based and asynchronous programming, i.e. AJAX-style applications. For example, here is the prototypical Dictionary Suggest written using LINQ query comprehensions over observable collections:
Please subscribe to this Channel 9 interview to be notified when we have clearance to distribute Rx over the counter (lame puns intended Smiley.
Tune in. This should prove to be an instant classic besides being a very important episode of E2E. Rx is deep, man. Deep.
Anatomy of an RxSwift View Model
Recommendations for effective view models when working with RxSwift.
Comparing Reactive and Traditional
It’s a collection of small functions and properties without a linear story. Part of me does not want to encourage people to use RxSwift for the reasons I’ve outlined. But part of me very much wants to encourage people to use RxSwift — because change comes, in part, from the community pushing the state of the art. But if you do use it, and some time in the future there’s a nice, declarative way of handling events and dealing with state, then I’ll have you to thank for helping make that come true.
Younger self and FRP
Modeling Your View Models as Functions
At Grailed we’ve turned to functional programming for inspiration on how to write testable, well-structured view models.
RxSwift Primer: Part 1
it’s likely that the iOS team can crib their solution, platform differences aside. That’s very powerful, as it leads to us all speaking a common language, even though our actual languages are very different.