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RxSwift & MVVM: Your First Steps - YouTube
RxSwift & MVVM: Your First Steps - YouTube
RxSwift & MVVM: Your First Steps by Shai Mishali (Hebrew, english Subs available) Come and learn how to get started with RxSwift and MVVM. What _is really_ an architecture, and what MVVM aims to solve over the standard usage of MVC? Why is RxSwift such a wonderful companion for employing MVVM? Learn all this and more, in this talk. This presentation also includes actual live coding for building a basic MVVM-based login screen. Slides at: You can reach Shai as freak4pc on Twitter, GitHub and Gmail.
RxSwift & MVVM: Your First Steps - YouTube
RxSwift: Debunking the Myth of Hard
RxSwift: Debunking the Myth of Hard
RxSwift has been one of the most prominent and upcoming frameworks in the iOS & Swift community in the past years. Its usage is becoming widespread and popular with many companies moving their code base to the Reactive world across iOS, Android, Web and Backend - making it a valuable skill to comprehend. Along with that fact thought, it seems the learning curve for RxSwift and Rx in general always seems "hard" to most people, or too hard to get started with. In this lecture I hope to debunk the myth and misconception of RxSwift being a hard concept, and put developers on the right path to start building Reactive Mobile applications for the modern world.
RxSwift: Debunking the Myth of Hard