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“What if birthdays were a time of sharing the impact the person has had on you, or noticing changes in them they might not be aware of themselves.”
“What if birthdays were a time of sharing the impact the person has had on you, or noticing changes in them they might not be aware of themselves.”
“So since it's my birthday, please answer one of these prompts: “What's your favorite memory of me?” “What an impact I've had on you that you haven't shared with me?” “What's the biggest change you've seen in me since you first met me (or in the last year)?””
“What if birthdays were a time of sharing the impact the person has had on you, or noticing changes in them they might not be aware of themselves.”
On Twitter and conversations
On Twitter and conversations
i dont think twitter lacks "complex discussions" because of its UX design, but because it's a deeply gamified platform that functions on metrics. only certain discussions are possible when everyone is keeping score— nathanjurgenson (@nathanjurgenson) February 18, 2019
On Twitter and conversations
Letter 12
Letter 12
“The friends that I keep close make me the best version of myself, but I’ve never found that consistently in a romantic relationship. I’m growing to understand that romance and love are not rational (thank you, therapy?). Historically, I’ve looked at romantic relationships as a test of what I have to offer. Do you like me? What are the qualities about me that you like? You’re having fun, right? What I’m getting at is this — I know I’m a good friend. I can evaluate friendships rationally, articulately. But with relationships or dating there’s this factor of capital-F Feelings added to the picture. They’re weird and messy. The butterflies-in-your-chest feeling is foreign, like anxiety rather than attraction. I’m not comfortable with capital-F Feelings yet. Because most of my past relationships have been maybe not in the absence of Feelings, but not formed on them alone. So I’m working through these things.”
Letter 12
“skimming thru my phone and realized that i started yesterday’s private personal journal entry with ‘HEY it’s YOUR GIRL back from a long weekend’ and it just now hit me how hopelessly nerdy i am”
“skimming thru my phone and realized that i started yesterday’s private personal journal entry with ‘HEY it’s YOUR GIRL back from a long weekend’ and it just now hit me how hopelessly nerdy i am”
skimming thru my phone and realized that i started yesterday’s private personal journal entry with “HEY it’s YOUR GIRL back from a long weekend” and it just now hit me how hopelessly nerdy i am— bb ghost (@emilywithcurls) February 18, 2019
“skimming thru my phone and realized that i started yesterday’s private personal journal entry with ‘HEY it’s YOUR GIRL back from a long weekend’ and it just now hit me how hopelessly nerdy i am”
iPad Diaries: Using a Mac from iOS, Part 1 – Finder Folders, Siri Shortcuts, and App Windows with Keyboard Maestro
iPad Diaries: Using a Mac from iOS, Part 1 – Finder Folders, Siri Shortcuts, and App Windows with Keyboard Maestro
iPad Diaries is a regular series about using the iPad as a primary computer. You can find more installments here and subscribe to the dedicated RSS feed. After several years without updates to a product that, somewhat oddly, “remained in Apple’s lineup”, the Mac mini was revived by the company last November with a major
iPad Diaries: Using a Mac from iOS, Part 1 – Finder Folders, Siri Shortcuts, and App Windows with Keyboard Maestro
“Part of my view is that employees actually prefer this. Expedites career cycle for them. And even if company has some cruft long term. If plays out in 2 years not 20. Employees have more at bats and have more leverage when switching jobs.”
“Part of my view is that employees actually prefer this. Expedites career cycle for them. And even if company has some cruft long term. If plays out in 2 years not 20. Employees have more at bats and have more leverage when switching jobs.”
Part of my view is that employees actually prefer this. Expedites career cycle for them. And even if company has some cruft long term. If plays out in 2 years not 20. Employees have more at bats and have more leverage when switching jobs— Kevin Kwok (@kevinakwok) February 18, 2019
“Part of my view is that employees actually prefer this. Expedites career cycle for them. And even if company has some cruft long term. If plays out in 2 years not 20. Employees have more at bats and have more leverage when switching jobs.”
Two Factor Auth List
Two Factor Auth List
Learn about two-factor authentication (2FA), an extra layer of security that includes SMS, email, phone calls, hardware, and software.
Two Factor Auth List