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The Present and Future of Engineers
The Present and Future of Engineers
Subjecting engineering to Marxist analysis yields complex results.
What can be said with near certainty is that a revolution that does not have substantial participation from engineers is doomed to fail at implementing communism.
The material basis for communism is not proletarian rage or mass-scale dispossession, it is centuries of labor now embodied in the form of fixed capital: machinery, buildings, global productive infrastructure, and countless commodities.
The Present and Future of Engineers
Technical Expertise and Communist Production
Technical Expertise and Communist Production
In 1976, the shop stewards at the British Lucas Aerospace Corporation published a document that would come to be known as “The Lucas Plan.” The company was planning to lay off a significant number of workers as part of a restructuring effort. Faced with the prospect of losing their livelihood, many of these workers banded together to propose an alternative: that the British government should intervene to prevent layoffs so that the workers could redeploy the productive assets of the company towards socially useful ends rather than military contracting.
Technical Expertise and Communist Production