NYC Fast Resembling San Fran & Vancouver 'Cities Of The Walking Dead' As Junkies, Dealers Take Over Midtown Streets With Impunity
Police "effectively ordered" to let junkies roam free, shooting up in broad daylight...
Ariz. audit report finds 49k questionable votes, pending attorney general probe
The audit of 2020 elections in Arizona found 49,000 votes raised questions of authenticity and legitimacy of election outcomes. According to the audit report, more than 23,000 votes came from people who no longer lived at the address where their mail-in ballot was sent.
30 Facts You Need To Know: A COVID Cribsheet
...'religions' aren’t susceptible to argument... but if you are fortunate enough to find yourself in a real argument, here’s an invaluable resource...
Judge Denies Police Union's Effort To Delay Vaccine Mandate in Massachusetts
"The public interest is, unquestionably, best served by stopping the spread of the virus...", Judge Jackie Cowin said...
Pa. attorney general sues to block subpoena in 2020 election probe
Forensic auditors: Maricopa County election database wiped one day before audit
CIA was ready to wage gun battle in London streets against Russian operatives to kill or snatch Assange, bombshell report claims
Under Obama, the CIA wanted to define Julian Assange and other journalists as “information brokers” in order to ramp up their spying on them. And during the Trump era, it prepared plans to abduct or kill the WikiLeaks founder.
9/24 Dominion Counterclaim | Defending The Republic
Team of top scientists researching Covid origins disbanded amid controversy and conflicts of interest
A task force of senior scientists investigating the origins of Covid-19 has been disbanded, their leader revealed. Its investigation had been plagued from the outset by accusations of corruption and conflict of interest.
"Immunity As A Service" - The Snake-Oil Salesmen & The COVID-Zero Con
Yes, we need a Great Reset. Just not the subscription-based version that the World Economic Forum imagined... "Just Say No to Drugs"
Renewables Not So Reliable As US Hydropower Plunges 14%
Maybe it's time for California to admit their "green" push has been a complete disaster?
Too Late... House Passes Amendment To Defund Wuhan Lab Middleman Outfit EcoHealth Alliance
The damage is already done...
Congressman Madison Cawthorn Introducing Bill to Ban Military from Enacting ‘Red Flag Laws’
On Friday, Congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) announced plans to introduce legislation to prohibit the U.S. military code from placing restrictions on servicemembers’ right to bear firearms. The bill, entitled the Protect Gun Rights Act, targets Democrat efforts to strip servicemembers’ rights to keep and bear arms through red flag laws.
US Congress Quietly Sneaks In Crypto-Bill Amendment Authorizing Central Bank Digital Currency
According to the Digital Asset Bill, section 11 of the Federal Reserve Act is to be amended to provide the Federal Reserve Board with new powers...
Banks Oppose Biden's New 'Total Financial Surveillance' Proposal On IRS Reporting group calls the attempt an ‘overreach,’ saying it would make U.S. banks ‘police force for the IRS’...
Do The 'Global Managers' Really Want The Pandemic To End?
Early treatment of symptoms is the last remaining enemy of the global Covid consensus...
‘AI-driven community surveillance’: US cops reportedly using invasive tool to grab suspects’ social media, Pornhub & Tinder data
A number of US law enforcement agencies are reportedly using a shadowy AI surveillance program that trawls social media accounts, dating apps, online shopping wishlists and even Pornhub pages to help identify persons of interest.
Quinn: It's A 'Fourth Turning', What Did You Expect? is both fascinating and disturbing to observe the level of madness engulfing our world...
JPMorgan Being Investigated By Brazilian Authorities Over Potential Oil Bribes
Authorities are looking at the purchase of 300,000 barrels of Petrobras fuel by the bank in 2011...
Sen. Johnson: Health Agencies Are "Ignoring Natural Immunity"
“We’re ignoring natural immunity, even though the Israeli study now shows it’s 27 times more effective,”
White House Reporters Have Launched 'Formal Objection' About Biden Refusing To Answer Questions
...pathetic scene in Oval Office as British PM takes press questions while Biden’s handlers refuse to allow him to speak...
Washington elementary school walks back ‘insane’ rule asking students to wear masks WHILE EATING
An elementary school in Washington state has walked back a policy requiring kids to wear face masks “to chew, swallow, or talk” at lunchtime, after some outraged parents complained about the bizarre rule.
Documents Prove NIH Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan. Could That Be What Caused the Pandemic? • Children's Health Defense
A multimillion-dollar bat coronavirus research grant, funded by the National Institutes of Health, revealed that researchers in Wuhan, China manipulated coronaviruses in ways that led to increased severity of infection.
Rep. Nunes Wins Major Victory In Defamation Case Against Ryan Lizza And Hearst
Navy SEALS Told They Won't Be Deployed Without COVID Vaccine
"Our country should be very concerned about what this would do to military readiness..."
"F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
...authorities were forced to confront this blazing public anger...
Politico, which joined MSM chorus dismissing Hunter Biden laptop scoop as ‘Russian disinfo,’ confirms authenticity of key emails
Now that election 2020 is long past and news of Biden family’s influence-peddling has been censored, a Politico reporter’s new book has confirmed at least some of the key emails that were previously branded Russian interference.
Tucker Carlson says vaccine mandate is ‘a takeover of the US military’ meant to flush out Christians & freethinkers
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has claimed that the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate is actually a ruse to rid the military of anyone who doesn’t meet the government’s new standards, including Christians and Republicans.