I’m proud that Telegram has supported freedom of speech long before it became politically safe to do so. Our values don’t depend on US electoral cycles.
Today, other platforms are announcing they’ll now have less censorship. But the real test of their newly discovered values…
— Pavel Durov (@durov)
Tulsi Gabbard Now Supports FISA-702 In Order to Get Confirmed as Director of National Intelligence - The Last Refuge
As the story is told [SEE HERE], and it aligns with every scintilla of researched data on the darkest and deepest elements of the Deep State, DNI nominee Tulsi Gabbard has reversed her position and will now support FISA-702, the warrantless searches of American communication and electronic metadata. Apparently the FISA process and the 702 […]
Court Upholds $7.8 Million Verdict For Transit Workers Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine
A California judge denied BART’s requests to overturn the verdict, saying the agency failed to show an undue hardship for not granting religious exemption...
Corporations Clinging To DEI Will Lose Social License To Operate
Corporations that continue to force “antiracist” neo-racism on their employees and other stakeholders will be left facing boycotts and lawsuits that will materially harm their bottom line...
Classified CIA Experiment Claims Life Did Exist On Mars And They Built Pyramids
Through a top-secret program known as the Stargate Project, intelligence officers turned to psychics in hopes of gaining access to inaccessible places...