It was a set up 🙄WTF!!!If you know you know #NYC #AirQualityAlert #NewYorkCity #News #Smoke #Weather— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) June 7, 2023
Overburden the bureaucracy to break the system, create controlled chaos, usurp power as civil unrest peaks, and offer government aid as the only solution...
"Infuriating": College Tuition Made Free For Illegal Immigrants In Minnesota
"While middle-class students who were born in the U.S. or came here legally have to pay their own tuition, illegal aliens in Minnesota get free tuition...”
Govt. Nudge Units Find The "Best" Ways To Manipulate The Public
There are no neutral Nudges. We are all constantly being Nudged in one direction or another. We can’t escape Nudges, but we can choose which ones we give our attention to...
Whistleblowers 'worked on secret US government program to rebuild crashed UFOs' - Daily Star
The world of alien conspiracy theories has been blown wide open thanks to the confessions of four experts told of a secret UFO repair scheme they worked on for the US Government
Induction of a torpor-like state with ultrasound: Chen's team used ultrasound to safely, noninvasively induce a torpor-like state in mice, rats -- ScienceDaily
Repeated COVID-19 Vaccination Weakens Immune System: Study
"So it’s basically validating that this rush to administer and re-administer without having solid data to back those decisions...was highly counterproductive..."
South Dakota Governor Tells Higher Education Board To Remove Mandates On Preferred Pronouns
"For the last several decades, many states have allowed liberal ideologies to poison their universities and colleges... Professors have discarded reason and logic in favor of subjectivity and relativism. "