CJ Hopkins Advice To RFK Jr: "F**k It, F**k Them... Tell The Truth... The Angry, Uncensored Truth"
Not the ready-for-prime-time truth. Not the toned-down-for-mainstream-consumption truth. The truth. The ugly, unvarnished truth. The scary, crazy-sounding truth. The angry, divisive, uncensored truth...
Court Filing Suggests Troubling CIA Links To Two 9/11 Hijackers
A newly-released court filing raises grave questions about the relationship between Alec Station, a CIA unit set up to track Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden & his associates, & two 9/11 hijackers leading up to the attacks.
Twitter Files: Dr. Anthony Fauci "Lied Under Oath"
Documents uncovered at Twitter point to dissembling by Fauci under oath, and a social media company that helped market COVID vaccines while labeling and removing tweets for vaccine “misinformation”...
Texas Coordinates With ATF To Share Income Of Residents For Warrantless Monitoring
"One would think that a pro-gun state like Texas would not be handing over gun owners’ confidential financial information to the federal government without a warrant or likely even without probable cause..."
"Nowhere Else In The World Was Such Open Dissent Amongst Appointed Leaders On Display"
It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not with Pierce’s position on the matter of distributed ledger technological innovation, it is the spirit and substance of her public stand that reminds us of what makes America great.