
Florida Supreme Court Approves DeSantis' Request to Impanel Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Manufacturers
Florida Supreme Court Approves DeSantis' Request to Impanel Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Manufacturers
The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday approved Governor Ron DeSantis’ request to impanel a grand jury to investigate Covid vaccine manufacturers. “1. A statewide grand jury shall be promptly impaneled for a term of twelve calendar months, to run from the date of impanelment, with jurisdiction throughout the State of Florida, to investigate crime, return…
Florida Supreme Court Approves DeSantis' Request to Impanel Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Manufacturers
Fundraiser by Ron Bly : Support for Baby Alexander Bly
Fundraiser by Ron Bly : Support for Baby Alexander Bly
Please do not donate here, all funds donated appear to be in jeopardy.        We received req… Ron Bly needs your support for Support for Baby Alexander Bly
Fundraiser by Ron Bly : Support for Baby Alexander Bly
The Age Of Amnesia
The Age Of Amnesia
...a ruling class that wants everyone to forget the wisdom of the past and even the events of recent history, to forgive but mostly to forget and move on like good little pawns...
The Age Of Amnesia
You're Gonna Get Sick, Get Used To It
You're Gonna Get Sick, Get Used To It
This effort to maintain a “Zero Covid” environment is yet another piece of the agenda intended to brainwash and thus control the populace. The powers that be know that, but most of the people they are controlling do not...
You're Gonna Get Sick, Get Used To It