This lawyer should be world-famous for his battle with Chevron – but he’s in jail | Erin Brockovich | The Guardian
Chevron is accused of polluting the Amazon for 26 years. The only people who’ve paid the price are a human rights lawyer and those whose land was poisoned
In the case of France and Germany running their wealth extraction system across not just the 17 other countries of the euro-zone but 14 African countries as well, we’re reaching that breaking point.
EU Accuses Washington Of Making A Fortune From Ukraine War
Politico sours on Ukraine: "officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration & now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer."
Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor: "Academic Freedom Is Dead"
“They systematically tried to make it seem like everyone agreed with their ideas about COVID policy, when in fact there was deep disagreement among scientists...”
Entire Gender Industry Is Based On A Failed Study That Disproved Scientist’s Theory: Psychiatrist
"[I]f the kids who were uncomfortable with their sex at adolescence had been left alone, the majority of the cases of gender dysphoria would have resolved on their own after puberty..."