New data is out on COVID vaccine injury claims. What's to make of it? | Reuters
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, facing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking a vast trove of data about the safety and side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, made a pledge in August.
Do coronavirus vaccines affect periods? A new study says they do. - The Washington Post
A coronavirus vaccination can change the timing of when you get your period, according to new research. For most people in the study, the effect was temporary.
Post-War Germany: Bruno Gröning, Lost Buildings, and the Evils of Money | - Rediscovered History of the World
Germany in the 18th Century, before the spread of modern architecture and industrialization changed the nature of cities forever (Paintings by Bernardo Bellotto). In the past, a city seemed like a...
Lawyers Prepare To Sue Any State That Requires COVID-19 Vaccination To Attend School
“ICAN has told us it will financially support a challenge against any state. So, if all 50 states require it to attend school, ICAN will support challenging the mandate in every single one of those states,”
NY Judge Declares 'Vote By Mail' Law Unconstitutional
"The framers of the Constitution did not intend to grant (and did not grant) the Legislature carte blanche to enact legislation over absentee voting..."
Bitcoin Mining Council Survey Confirms Year on Year Improvements in Sustainable Power Mix and Technological Efficiency in Q3 2022 - Bitcoin Mining Council
Republican Senators Warn DOJ Not To Police Speech Against Transgender Surgeries On Children
"We call upon you to reaffirm that you will faithfully protect the First Amendment rights of all Americans to peacefully debate this and all other policy questions, irrespective of viewpoint..."