
Watch "Creativity, Spiritual Epiphany, and Psychic Functioning with Stephan A. Schwartz" on YouTube
Watch "Creativity, Spiritual Epiphany, and Psychic Functioning with Stephan A. Schwartz" on YouTube
Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. His other academic and research appointments include: Senior Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute; founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory. Government appointments include Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations. Schwartz was the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. Using Remote Viewing he discovered Cleopatra's Palace, Marc Antony's Timonium, ruins of the Lighthouse of Pharos, and sunken ships along the California coast, and in the Bahamas. He is the author of more than 130 technical reports and papers. He has written The Secret Vaults of Time, The Alexandria Project, Mind Rover, Opening to the Infinite, and The 8 Laws of Change. This is the last of 24 videos with Stephan A. Schwartz. Here he proposes that nonlocal consciousness, a timeless time and a spaceless space, is the source of great creative genius, spiritual awareness, and remote viewing (as well as other forms of psychic functioning). He maintains that a high IQ, by itself, is insufficient to explain the creative breakthroughs. Genius can only manifest itself when the culture is ready and receptive. Schwartz provides some instructions for entering into a state of nonlocal awareness. New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series from 1986 to 2002. (Recorded on February 7, 2017) For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos -- as well as many other opportunities to engage with and support the New Thinking Allowed video channel -- please visit the New Thinking Allowed Foundation at
Watch "Creativity, Spiritual Epiphany, and Psychic Functioning with Stephan A. Schwartz" on YouTube
The Depp Trial & The Demise Of The ACLU
The Depp Trial & The Demise Of The ACLU
Ironically, for critics, Amber Heard became the fitting face and ambassador of the ACLU: conflicted, confused, and corrupted.
The Depp Trial & The Demise Of The ACLU
WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Brilliant news out of Geneva today! As most of you know, the World Health Assembly has spent the past 7 days considering Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations. Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty. The first sign, however, that things might not be going the globalists’ way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May, which just happened to also be Africa Day. Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about. Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either. These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia.
WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown - Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Facebook admits the truth: 'Fact checks' are really just (lefty) opinion
Facebook admits the truth: 'Fact checks' are really just (lefty) opinion
Facebook finally admitted the truth: The “fact checks” that social media use to police what Americans read and watch are just “opinion.” That’s thanks to a lawsuit brought by celebrated...
Facebook admits the truth: 'Fact checks' are really just (lefty) opinion
Trying Out the Ganzfeld Effect Ping-Pong Ball Alternative
Trying Out the Ganzfeld Effect Ping-Pong Ball Alternative
It’s possible to experience a temporarily altered state without drugs or alcohol through a neurological phenomenon known as the Ganzfeld effect. And all it takes is a ping-pong ball, headphones and a knife
Trying Out the Ganzfeld Effect Ping-Pong Ball Alternative
Lessons From A Trading Great: Paul Tudor Jones
Lessons From A Trading Great: Paul Tudor Jones
“…at the end of the day, the most important thing is how good are you at risk control. Ninety-percent of any great trader is going to be the risk control.”
Lessons From A Trading Great: Paul Tudor Jones
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Foreclosure-Wave Sweeping US Crests In Chicago
Amid a national surge in residential foreclosure rates, Chicagoans are currently losing their homes in greater numbers than in any other metro area in the country...
Foreclosure-Wave Sweeping US Crests In Chicago