Judge orders 11yo girl to be vaccinated despite father’s objections
A New York judge has ruled that an 11-year-old girl may be vaccinated against Covid-19 despite vocal protests from her dad, siding with the child’s mother amid a lengthy divorce case while claiming the virus poses a “dire” threat.
10 Dark Conspiracy Theories That Actually Turned Out To Be True - Listverse
Throughout history, the world---particularly the the United States---has seen its fair share of conspiracy theories come and go. From reptilians disguised
Maine voters approve adding “right to food” to state constitution. - The Washington Post
Backers say the amendment will let people produce food without government interference, but critics see problems for food safety, animal welfare and the environment.
Judge blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for federal contractors
The Biden administration's vaccine mandates have hit yet another legal snag as a judge has blocked a Covid vaccine requirement for federal contractors based on an appeal.
Questions raised over reports WH briefing newsrooms to ‘reshape’ economic coverage
A newsletter from two CNN journalists has raised eyebrows after revealing that White House officials are holding briefings with major US newsrooms in an effort to “reshape their economic coverage.”
Los Angeles has turned into ‘The Purge,’ detective warns
A Los Angeles police detective is warning tourists to stay clear of the city, saying that they will be unsafe, and comparing conditions to the horror movie ‘The Purge.’
Sen. Ron Johnson Drops a Truth Bomb - Says Many Americans Died From Covid Because Fauci 'Sabotaged Early Treatment Using Cheap, Available, Generic Drugs'
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Sunday blasted Dr. Fauci for his failed Covid response and for sabotaging early treatment using cheap, available, generic drugs. “I ask a simple question, did Dr. Fauci’s response to COVID-19 work? 788,000 lives lost, many because he ignored and sabotaged early treatment using cheap, available, generic drugs in favor of…
Trump celebrates huge cash haul for his social media with message to Big Tech
Investors have committed to pumping $1 billion into Donald Trump’s new social media business, giving the former president a cash horde to battle the likes of Twitter and Facebook for users.
Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle "Kill Switch" Mandates For Automakers
...the proposed device must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.”