O’Keefe Media Group Sends Illegal Alien Undercover to Infiltrate Secret Illegal Immigrant Compound
Service Members Speak Out Against DEI Training In The Military
“A burly man pretending to be a woman living and showering in the women’s barracks [is a] harmful absurdity..."
China Blasts US For Giving Israel "License To Kill" After UN Veto
Exxon Threatens To Take Billions Of Dollars In Climate Investment Out Of The EU
“What we’re experiencing is the deindustrialisation of the European economy and we’re concerned,”
Nevada Residents Shocked To Discover They Voted In Primary
"This makes everyone uncomfortable..."
Utah's New "Sovereignty Act" Will Overrule The Federal Government, Constitutional?
NTSB Argues Against Having Third Party Examine Evidence From East Palestine Derailment And Chemical Spill
The NTSB said it would “impose an undue burden on the agency’s investigative and financial resources.”
Harvard Professor Says "All Hell Broke Loose" When His Study Revealed No Racial Bias In Police Shootings
"I hear it's a motherf**ker."
Watch: Mobs Of Violent African Migrants Riot, Attack Police In Holland
The latest example of cultural enrichment in Europe...
"License To Play God": Physician Group Files Brief Against Biden In COVID
They warn that suppressing COVID-related information will soon extend to other subjects like transgenderism, abortion and other vaccines.
How The CIA Destabilizes The World
If only the CIA’s rogue operations had been consigned to history as a result of the crimes exposed by the Church Committee...
Kremlin Calls Nuclear Space Weapon Story A 'Trick' To Get Biden's Ukraine Aid Passed
Study Finds 80% Of Americans Exposed To Fertility-Lowering Chemicals In Cheerios, Quaker Oats
EPA proposed in April last year to allow the use of chlormequat on oats, barley, wheat, and triticale grown in the US...
The Curse Of Ultra-Pasteurization
The Global Deep State: A Fascist World Order Funded By The American Taxpayer
This powerful international cabal made up of international government agencies and corporations—let’s call it the Global Deep State—is just as real as the corporatized, militarized, industrialized American Deep State, and it poses just as great a threat to our rights as individuals under the U.S. Constitution, if not greater.
"Cash In Envelopes": How The US And UN Are Funding The Border Crisis
... Bensman has a more straightforward explanation for what’s fueling the border crisis: a cash bonanza.
Houston Church Shooter Identified As Transgender With A Long Criminal History
The shooter who opened fire in a Houston church has been named as Genesse Moreno, a woman who also identified as a man named 'Jeffrey'...
Satanic Temple Claims Abortion Is Part Of Their Religion In Effort To Block Abortion Bans
"Most Americans find a story like this kind of horrifying..."
Hawaii Ignores US Supreme Court, Strikes Down Right To Carry Firearms In Public
'A Republican Leader Should Actually Lead': Ted Cruz Savages Mitch McConnell After Border Bill Quagmire
And some inside baseball...
Blistering Saudi Statement Slams Door On Normalization With Israel
Says peace not possible at this point without a two-state solution for Palestinians...
EU Lawmakers Want To Sanction Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Peer-Reviewed Study
"It is unethical and unconscionable to administer an experimental vaccine to a child who has a near-zero risk of dying from COVID-19 but a well-established 2.2 percent risk of permanent heart damage..."
Why Burn Books When You Can Bury Them? The White House Pressured Amazon To Target Dissenting Books
Waste Of The Day: Over $1 Billion In Weapons Missing In Ukraine
The audit found that $1 billion of the $1.7 billion — or 59% — in enhanced end-use monitoring designated weapons provided to Ukraine as of June 2023 are “delinquent,"...
Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands
Unmarked trucks packed with prison-raised cattle roll out of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, where men are sentenced to hard labor and forced to work, for pennies an hour or sometimes nothing at all. Intricate, invisible webs, just like this one, link some of the world’s largest food companies and most popular brands to jobs performed by U.S. prisoners nationwide, according to a sweeping two-year AP investigation into prison labor that tied hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of agricultural products to goods sold on the open market.
Tucker Carlson Spotted In Moscow As Neocons Melt Down Over Potential Putin Interview
"Barring a journalist from coming home is some KGB shit, Bill."
UK's "Online Safety Act" Officially Grants MSM Premission To Publish Lies
Welcome to the UK where it’s now official government policy that you CAN’T publish “misinformation”, but The Guardian, the BBC, Disney and Netflix CAN.
Progressive Dems In Congress Move To Block Funding For Israeli Weapons
Young Democratic voter support for Biden will continue to erode...