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The Christmas Truce Of 1914
The Christmas Truce Of 1914
The folly of irrational war-mongering and other unlearned lessons from World War I...
The Christmas Truce Of 1914
They Are Programming You
They Are Programming You
"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of..."
They Are Programming You
Yes, Hunter Is Now In Contempt Of Congress
Yes, Hunter Is Now In Contempt Of Congress pulling a Bannon, Hunter now faces the expectation in many circles that he will get the full Bannon treatment from Garland.
Yes, Hunter Is Now In Contempt Of Congress
How to Avoid Knee Replacement
How to Avoid Knee Replacement
Patients who had surgery fared better initially over others in a study, but they had four times as many complications such as infections, blood clots, or knee stiffness requiring more surgery. One in every 100-200 patients who has a knee replacement dies within 90 days of the procedure.
How to Avoid Knee Replacement