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Fundraiser by Ron Bly : Support for Baby Alexander Bly
Fundraiser by Ron Bly : Support for Baby Alexander Bly
Please do not donate here, all funds donated appear to be in jeopardy.        We received req… Ron Bly needs your support for Support for Baby Alexander Bly
Fundraiser by Ron Bly : Support for Baby Alexander Bly
The Dirty Truth (Josh) on Twitter
The Dirty Truth (Josh) on Twitter
Uncounted votes on a “memory card” has changed an election in Cobb County, Georgia, officials say.— The Dirty Truth (Josh) (@AKA_RealDirty) November 19, 2022
The Dirty Truth (Josh) on Twitter
TF Metals Report on Twitter
TF Metals Report on Twitter
Dr. Paul Offit is on the FDA Vaccine Advisory panel.This video is under one minute.Please watch it if you're considering any sort of "booster" jab.— TF Metals Report (@TFMetals) October 12, 2022
TF Metals Report on Twitter
Laura Sanicola on Twitter
Laura Sanicola on Twitter
FACTS: Which U.S. refineries have shut since the global pandemic, and why?Since the onset of the global pandemic, the US has lost nearly 1 million barrels per day of oil refining capacity, with more set to be shuttered in the next few years. These are the plants:1/x— Laura Sanicola (@LauraSanicola) June 17, 2022
Laura Sanicola on Twitter
Dr. Meryl Nass Discovers Hydroxychloroquine Experiments Were Designed to Kill COVID Patients – How Many Were Murdered? - Vaccine Impact
Dr. Meryl Nass Discovers Hydroxychloroquine Experiments Were Designed to Kill COVID Patients – How Many Were Murdered? - Vaccine Impact
Dr. Meryl Nass has uncovered a hornet’s nest of government sponsored Hydroxychloroquine experiments that were designed to kill severely ill, Covid-19 hospitalized patients. On June 14th Dr. Nass first identified two Covid-19 experiments in which massive, high toxic doses – four times higher than safe of hydroxychloroquine were being given to severely ill hospitalized patients in intensive care units. The Recovery experiment sponsored by the Wellcome Trust (GlaxoSmithKline) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government, was conducted at Oxford University, on 1,542 patients. Of these, 396 patients (25.7%) who were in the high dose Hydroxychloroquine arm, died. After Dr. Nass’ discovery was publicly disseminated, the WHO suspended the trial on Wednesday June 17th. On Friday, June 19th, Dr. Nass uncovered a third, “Even Worse” hydroxychloroquine experiment. REMAP targets patients who are on a ventilator, or in shock – i.e., near death. Such patients are hardly capable of giving consent. Rather than attempting to save their lives, they are being used given multiple high doses of hydroxychloroquine and other drugs whose combination is contraindicated. This is an ongoing medical atrocity being perpetrated by medical doctors at 200 sites in 14 countries: include: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
Dr. Meryl Nass Discovers Hydroxychloroquine Experiments Were Designed to Kill COVID Patients – How Many Were Murdered? - Vaccine Impact