It is a hard thing to combat because it’s not a physical enemy but rather messages that lodge themselves in millions of people’s minds. And it has come to rule over us...
Elon Musk Says "Almost Every Conspiracy Theory That People Had About Twitter Turned Out To Be True"
“Is there a conspiracy theory about Twitter that didn’t turn out to be true? So far, they’ve all turned out to be true. If not more true than people thought...”
"We Will Change Europe" - Polish PM Tells Italian Media He & Meloni Will Return Europe To A Union Of Homelands
According to Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki, the European Union needs to return to the idea of a Europe of nations in order to be stronger and deal with the Russian threat...
Notre Dame Sarcophagus Opened Revealing Knight with Elongated Skull! | Ancient Origins
Finding the remains of a high priest buried at the most sacred spot in Paris’s Notre Dame Cathedral, and all of medieval France, seems a predictable discovery.
Florida Supreme Court Approves DeSantis' Request to Impanel Grand Jury to Investigate Covid Vaccine Manufacturers
The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday approved Governor Ron DeSantis’ request to impanel a grand jury to investigate Covid vaccine manufacturers. “1. A statewide grand jury shall be promptly impaneled for a term of twelve calendar months, to run from the date of impanelment, with jurisdiction throughout the State of Florida, to investigate crime, return…
Media Downplays Gun-Carrying "Good Samaritan" Who Stopped Mass Shooting At Amazon Facility
"Thankfully, Arizona is a Constitutional Carry state, and as a result, this Good Samaritan was ready and able to defend himself and others at a moment's notice in a dangerous situation."
BREAKING: Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 'Lack Of Standing' In 2020 Election Case
BREAKING: Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 'Lack Of Standing' In 2020 Election Case. Today’s ruling may set the stage for further investigation into what actually occurred during November 2020.
Insider Tells Tucker Carlson That CIA Was Directly Involved In JFK Assassination
The Biden administration released thousands of pages of previously secret government documents regarding the JFK assassination yesterday. It is unclear how many remain secret...
...a ruling class that wants everyone to forget the wisdom of the past and even the events of recent history, to forgive but mostly to forget and move on like good little pawns...