Mob Of People Spontaneously Ransack Wawa Convenience Store In Philadelphia
As the economic situation in the US continues to decline and prices continue to rise on most goods, expect to see more scenes like this one on a regular basis.
Newsom Signs Legislation To Protect Workers Who Use Cannabis Outside Work
The California Chamber of Commerce opposed the bill, saying it will still risk workplace safety and “create a protected status for marijuana use in [Fair Employment and Housing Act].”
24 Attorneys General Demand Credit Card Companies Drop Plans To Track Gun Sales
"The decision to create a firearm-specific code is nothing more than a capitulation to anti-gun politicians and activists bent on eroding the rights of law-abiding Americans, one transaction at a time..."
✝️⚠️ Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano ~ "We Must Unite To Stop the New World Order/Great Reset" (links below)
World renowned archbishop confronts the New World Order. This courageous man is the #1 religious whistleblower in the world. First he exposed financial corruption in the Vatican. Then he exposed syste