This medical data from the US DoD is explosive. Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it.
Could meditation strengthen your immune system?
Meditation done at an intense level may bring a significant boost to the inner workings of your immune system.
FDA Suddenly Scrubs Moderna Document From Website After Reporters Ask Questions
Shaquille O'Neal Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates
Watch: French Protesters Surround Pfizer HQ Chanting "Assassins"
Protesters have been energised by Macron admitting he wants to ‘piss off’ the unvaccinated...
Weiss v. Perez | Pacific Legal Foundation
Watch: Johns Hopkins Prof. Slams Media, Own Institution For Hiding Bombshell Study That Found Lockdowns Are Ineffective
“Johns Hopkins itself did not even put out a press release about this study...”
BLM Has 60 Days To Come Clean About Financials After California DOJ Sends Scorching Demand Letter
Proposed Bill Would Allow Ivermectin Use For Critically Sick Patients: Iowa Lawmakers
“I completely support it. I think that we should give patients the right to try,”
NFL Silent On Brian Flores' Explosive Allegations Of Attempted Game-Fixing By Dolphins Owner
The NFL has responded to Flores's allegations about racism in the leagues hiring practices, but his lawsuit contains much more explosive allegations...
'Someone Opened The Doors From The Inside,' Jan. 6 Defense Attorney Says
"The outer doors cast from solid bronze would require a bazooka, an artillery shell, or C4 military-grade explosives to breach..."
"Ill-Founded" Lockdowns Had "Little To No Public Health Effect"; Analysis Of 24 Studies Concludes
"...had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted..."
Fidelity Explains Why We Live In A Bitcoin-First World, Plain & Simple
The Globalist Reset Agenda Has Failed – Is Ukraine Plan B?
The globalists are NOT the smartest people around; not even close...
Ivermectin Has 'Antiviral Effect' Against Omicron And All Other 'Mutant Strains' Of Covid-19
"[Ivermectin] is expected to be applied as a therapeutic drug (tablet) for all new coronavirus infectious diseases."
Acetaminophen in pregnancy linked to ADHD in kids, study finds - Los Angeles Times
Children whose mothers took Tylenol during pregnancy were more likely to be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, researchers found.
Ron Paul: "We're All Canadian Truckers Now!"
For Trudeau, love of liberty is just an “unacceptable view"...
Speech Therapist: 364% Surge In Baby And Toddler Referrals Thanks To Mask Wearing
Young children developing cognitive problems due to widespread use of face coverings...
T-Mobile To Fire All Unvaccinated Corporate Staff By April
But employees in its stores who do most of the interacting with members of the public will all get a pass...
Denmark Is First EU Country To Scrap All COVID Restrictions
... it will also stop calling Covid-19 a “societally critical disease”, meaning that it will no longer have the legal basis to introduce wide-ranging curbs.
Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope From Lockdowns To Concentration Camps
...the world is teetering on the edge of authoritarian madness.
Military MED Skyrocketing Disease Data Leaked! Biden Regime Knowingly Continues Destruction of Force
Military MED Skyrocketing Disease Data Leaked! Biden Regime Knowingly Continues Destruction of Force. Sources have told us the DoD tried very hard to conceal this information to prevent it from getting out.
Florida Trucker In Canada Convoy: "We're Here To Join A Movement"
“We need to end these restrictions once and for all.”
Pennsylvania Court Rules Mail-In Voting Unconstitutional
Truckers Across Planet Unite In Convoys Against Medical Tyranny
We The People!
Proposed State Law Would Make It Illegal To Request A Person's Vaccine Status
Elon Musk Tells 71 Million Twitter Followers To 'Vote Them Out', Stands With Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' Truckers
"Canadian Truckers Rule"
FDA Asks Court To Delay First 55K Batch Of COVID Docs; Pfizer Moves To Join Case
"Of course the FDA consented to Pfizer appearing..."
Bipartisan Coalition Demands Vote On Legislation To Bar Congress From Trading Stocks
How A Tiny NATO Country Went Rogue & May Prevent War With Russia
Head of state stunned allies by saying Biden guilty of "inconsistency and essentially dangerous behavior."