When you create surveys or forms with Microsoft Word, check boxes make the options easier to read and answer. We’re covering two good options for doing just that. The first is ideal for documents that you want people to fill out digitally within the Word document itself. The second option is easier if you’re planning to print documents like to-do lists.
There are many ways to rip a DVD to your computer, but if you’re looking for the most straightforward option, VLC is easy and free. Besides, you probably already have VLC on your computer (and if you don’t, you should). Here, we’ll show you the quick and easy way to rip DVDs to your computer using VLC.
How to Use Stable Diffusion to Make AI GIFs and Videos
Stable Diffusion is capable of generating more than just still images. With some built-in tools and a special extension, you can get very cool AI video without much effort. Here’s how to generate frames for an animated GIF or an actual video file with Stable Diffusion.
LEARN KDENLIVE IN 15 MINUTES ~ Basic Video Editing Tutorial for Beginners
This guide shows how to edit videos, add special effects, make titles, add transitions, and more in a condensed 15 minutes format. It's especially for beginn...
In this step-by-step tutorial for beginners, learn how to use the Shotcut video editor. Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor that works extremely well.
👋 Additional resources:
- Sample files for the Kevin Cookie Company Commercial: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=B09F9559F6A16B6C!70143&authkey=!ALskcRd5lEnkGNM&e=eqOqi4
- Download & install Shotcut: https://shotcut.org
- Comprehensive list of shortcut keys: https://www.shotcut.org/howtos/keyboard-shortcuts/
⌚ Timestamps
0:00 Introduction
0:55 Download & install Shotcut
2:05 Get sample files
2:29 Create new project & open recent projects
3:53 Playlist & adding media
4:26 Change how media appears in playlist
5:53 Preview pane
6:31 Frames & customize view
7:55 Pre-set views
8:37 Edit clip in preview pane
9:53 Add clip to timeline
10:33 Timeline & edit on timeline
15:06 Fade transition
15:38 Ripple move
16:37 Bringing multiple clips onto timeline
17:10 Edit clips on timeline
20:18 Apply video filter
22:26 Add audio / music
24:33 Audio filters
25:52 Insert text onto clip or track
27:22 Keyframes
29:12 Export
30:38 View final video
31:09 Wrap up
📃 Watch related playlists and videos
- Video Editing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlKpQrBME6xLya9ITLp53bfo4SBn0g-Au
🚩 Connect with me on social:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinstratvert/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevstrat
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevin-Stratvert-101912218227818
🔔 Subscribe to my YouTube channel
🎬 Want to watch again? Navigate back to my YouTube channel quickly
🛍 Support me with your Amazon purchases: https://amzn.to/3kCP2yz
⚖ As full disclosure, I use affiliate links above. Purchasing through these links gives me a small commission to support videos on this channel -- the price to you is the same.
In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how to make a YouTube intro using free software that comes with Windows 11 called ClipChamp, video editing software made by Microsoft.
- My project file to follow along: https://usethis.video/kevins-intro
00:00 Introduction
00:30 Get ClipChamp
00:44 Get project files
01:00 Log in to ClipChamp
01:26 Home screen & templates
01:58 Insert music & SFX
03:29 Adjust timeline view
04:05 Trim clips
05:15 Insert text
06:57 Split clips
07:34 Copy timeline objects
07:58 Adjust text timing
09:13 Text animations
10:51 Motion graphics
13:00 Stock video
14:55 Text to speech
16:21 Transitions
17:18 Export & share
17:51 Wrap up
- Playlist with all my videos on ClipChamp: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlKpQrBME6xJGEX3hk74EJsTHpXH3RiBZ
- Get the latest high-quality tutorial and tips and tricks videos emailed to your inbox each week: https://kevinstratvert.com/newsletter/
- Official web site: http://www.kevinstratvert.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinstratvert/
- Discord: https://discord.gg/kHuujY2pZf
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevstrat
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevin-Stratvert-101912218227818
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kevinstratvert
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinstratvert/
- Excel for Beginners in under 2 hours: https://kevinstratvert.thinkific.com/
- Hit the THANKS button in any video!
- Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3kCP2yz (Purchasing through this link gives me a small commission to support videos on this channel -- the price to you is the same)
#stratvert #clipchamp #youtube
In this step-by-step overview, learn how to use GIMP. We start with how to download and install GIMP. We then explore the interface, including the toolbox, tool options, color selection, docks / tabs, and the menu system. Next, we look at all the options to customize the experience, from resizing docks, to turning on or off single window mode, to changing icon colors, and adjusting the theme from dark to light.
We continue by creating a new file and saving it. We then navigate through the canvas using various short cut keys. We then load some sample files, learn about layers, arrange the layers, and apply different opacities. We add text, use the selection tools, align objects, use brushes, filters, and colors. By the end of this video, you'll have foundational knowledge of how to use GIMP to start editing images. And best of all, you'll have your first image created in GIMP… a poster for the Kevin Cookie Company!
👋 Additional resources
- GIMP home page: https://www.gimp.org/
- Sample image files to follow along: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmxrofZZlZ-whM8bZTtkFXc4S9RtTQ?e=Fgpn2N
⌚ Timestamps
0:00 Introduction
0:53 Download & install GIMP
1:26 Main interface
4:41 Top Menu
6:33 Customize interface
8:14 Create new file
9:38 Save as xcf
10:21 View shortcuts
10:58 Import sample image files
11:24 Layers
13:09 Scale / resize image
14:14 Bucket fill tool
15:34 Opacity
16:32 Selection tools
20:22 Text tools
22:03 Add text drop shadow
22:34 Group layers
23:21 Remove image background
25:52 Flip image
26:20 Alignment tool
26:48 Adjust colors - curves
29:51 Crop tool
31:27 Move text
31:55 Paintbrush tool
34:33 Gaussian Blur
35:13 Export as .png, .jpeg, or .gif
36:07 Wrap up
📃 Watch related playlists
- Playlist with all my videos on GIMP: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlKpQrBME6xIUzBCX5E6Ix9YX8cZNhwhe
🚩 Connect with me on social
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinstratvert/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevstrat
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevin-Stratvert-101912218227818
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kevinstratvert
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinstratvert/
🔔 Subscribe to my YouTube channel
🎬 Want to watch again? Navigate back to my YouTube channel quickly
🛍 Support me with your Amazon purchases: https://amzn.to/3kCP2yz
⚖ As full disclosure, I use affiliate links above. Purchasing through these links gives me a small commission to support videos on this channel -- the price to you is the same.
In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how to get started with Microsoft Sway. Sway is an easy-to-use digital storytelling app for creating interactive reports...
Download the course files here - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mup26atts551mo3/AADpi93Kh4DTFiynvbfg-VJ3a?dl=0 We want to take you from zero to 60 with your OBS ...
Here. These are in no particular order, neither organizationally or by priority, and are my personal experience. Some thoughts on a better @zoom_us room and online class, generally: 1/ https://t.co/eezYrHlIjh— Dr. 😷 Straight (@RyanStraight) March 7, 2020
Remove Malware Quickly with Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware
Malwarebytes is one of the best anti-malware programs ever made. It has both free and paid versions, but even the free version is worth having around. Here’s how you can use it to remove malware from your PC.