Canvas is the LMS that makes teaching and learning easier. Flipgrid is the video discussion platform that makes teaching and learning more personal, fun, and engaging. Integrate the two platforms s...
Several years ago, I worked on a project to create an e-learning course for a customer relationship management platform, and we had to populate the “sandbox” system with fake names. Doesn’t seem too hard, right? Well, not for the first 25 to 50 names, but I was amazed at how quickly my
Instructors | How do I add emojis to my Canvas Page?
Emojis are a fun way to enhance the content in your course. You can add emojis anywhere in your Canvas course including Pages, Rubrics, Discussions, etc. This guide will show you how to add emojis to Pages.
On rare occasion, you may be presented with an error message in Canvas. We are working to make the error messages more meaningful, but in the meantime, you may find some helpful tips below. The tips below are suggested actions based on past ...
How do I use Canvas Studio video quizzing in a ... | Canvas LMS Community
Canvas Studio Video Quizzing provides instructors, teacher assistances (TAs), designers, and Studio account admins with a simple way to create engaging
This video covers how to import a quiz from a word document to a Moodle PREPARING MOODLE TO RECEIVE A QUIZ DOCUMENT STEPS: 1. Log into your course and create...
D2L is committed to accessibility in education. We believe learning technologies should never limit learning opportunities. Discover how Brightspace helps.
Founded in 1824 in Gambier, Ohio, Kenyon College is a highly selective liberal arts college offering 1,600 students an academically challenging curriculum in a close-knit community.