Home - National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
Assessment | Kansas State University
VALUE Rubrics | AAC&U
Learn more about AAC&U’s unique VALUE assessment initiatives and how to participate in VALUE-related activities, events, and meetings.
What Grading Systems can I use?: Setting up and Using the Canvas Gradebook
Students Assessing Teaching and Learning (SATAL) | Teaching Commons
Teaching and Learning Without Grading | Faculty Focus
How can you work with students as subject-matter experts where they demonstrate competency through an end-of-course assessment?
Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) | CARL WIEMAN SCIENCE EDUCATION INITIATIVE
Example 1 - Research Paper Rubric - Cornell College
Rubrics for Multimedia Projects
Good rubrics can make it easier to fairly assess students’ work. Good rubrics also help students understand how their work is being assessed. But a good rubric takes time to develop. ThatR…
Weekly Formative Exams and Creative Grading Enhance Student Learning in an Introductory Biology Course | CBE—Life Sciences Education
A course format with a creative grading scheme and weekly formative midterms produced large gains in student success with test items requiring higher-order cognitive skills. This format is designed...
New Resource for Inclusive and Equitable Teaching - ACUE Community
As educators, we must work to create welcome and inclusive learning environments that promote equitable and successful outcomes for every student. We also know that learning is more than an intellectual exercise. Students bring to our classes their hopes for the future, their fears of failure, and the range of emotions one experiences when encountering new and challenging ideas in […]
Students Cheat. How Much Does It Matter?
Eleven Alternative Assessments for a Blended Synchronous Learning Environment | Faculty Focus
Ideas from faculty who were tasked with creating alternative assessments to implement in a blended synchronous learning environment.
Getting Started - IDEA Instruments – Course Evaluation Help Center
The IDEA Instruments are designed to provide feedback you can use—formative feedback that gives you suggestions for improvement—as well as summative feedback that can be used as a component of a mo...
WEIGHT GRADE Categories in Canvas LMS - YouTube
How do I use Canvas Studio video quizzing in a ... | Canvas LMS Community
Canvas Studio Video Quizzing provides instructors, teacher assistances (TAs), designers, and Studio account admins with a simple way to create engaging
Getting Started with Writing Learning Outcomes | Center for Teaching Innovation
ELI Webinar | Assessment for Learning Improvement: Comparing Two Universities' Approaches to Reveal Key Principles and Strategies | EDUCAUSE
This webinar will discuss the assessment for learning improvement programs at Carnegie Mellon University and James Madison University and the core pri
Assessing with Blogs | UNSW Teaching Staff Gateway
Use and assessment of student blogging.
A Rubric for Evaluating Student Blogs
Blogging rubric
A Rubric for Evaluating Student Blogs – ProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Details of a rubric for and use of class blogging.