Organizing for Change
Teaching and Learning
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O*NET OnLine
Detailed descriptions of the world-of-work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, developers, researchers, and more. Individuals can find, search, or browse across 900+ occupations based on their goals and needs. Comprehensive reports include occupation requirements, worker characteristics, and available training, education, and job opportunities.
What is Canvas Credentials?
Canvas Credentials is a subscription service that allows badge program administrators to advance their badging system using a set of more sophisticated tools. These features include Canvas Credentials Pathways, QR and claim codes, reporting and analytics, and unlimited bulk awards. Canvas Credential...
Words Matter: The Art of Effective Classroom Communication — Faculty Focus Live
Comparing Canvas Badges Basic and Canvas Credentials
Canvas Credentials offers a variety of features to help stack credentials, track analytics, gamify student learning and make implementing a full-scale badging program easy and fun. Canvas Credentials can be used with or without a Learning Management System (LMS). Compare our free offering, Canvas B...
What is ungrading?
How can we rethink grading?This week the Forum is delighted to host the University of Denver's Jesse Stommel, author of the new book Undoing the Grade: Why W...
Instructure and Khan Academy Announce Partnership to Enhance Teaching and Learning With Khanmigo, the AI Tool for Education | Instructure
Course Evaluation Checklist v3.0
Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist v3.0 Building Quality Content What’s Included in This Post? • The Why behind the updated checklist • The Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist v3.0 ▶ Make a copy of the Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist v3.0 (shared as an easy-to-copy preview via Google Docs) so you ...
Celia Barnes - Rhet/Comp friends and other interested parties! I'm... | Facebook
Release Screencast: 2023-06-17 New Quizzes Practice Zero Point New Quiz
It is possible to create a practice quiz with New Quizzes and not display it in the gradebook.
Minor LTI 1.3 Changes: New OIDC Auth Endpoint, Support for Platform Storage
Canvas is changing its LTI 1.3 OIDC Auth domain to align with security practices and to support the new LTI 1.3 Platform Storage specification. This specification lets LTI tools function when browsers disable cross-site 3rd-party cookies. LTI 1.3 tool developers, read on for an implementation guide ...
Re: 401 Error with LTI 1.3 Service Tokens
setting to enable at the account level to allow testing with student accounts in Test and Beta
Engineerica Keynote Series: Teaching Students How to Study, Learn, and Grow
Call us at 407.366.7700 or email us at to set up a free demo or appointment.In this session, Correy Hammond discusses how to coach stude...
May 2023 || Intro to Outcomes & CBE Webinar Resource Handout
May 2023 || Intro to Outcomes & Competency Based Education - Resource Handout Webinar Slides Slide Deck Resources Competency Based Education Competency Based Education Hub Outcomes Overview Outcomes What are Outcomes? Canvas Basics Guide Admin - Outcomes Guides Admin - Outcomes Video Guide In...
What is the Canvas release schedule for beta, production, and test environments?
Instructure is committed to consistently improving the Canvas user experience. The cloud-based platform maintains an agile production cycle with bug fixes, enhancements, and new features in three Canvas environments: beta, production, and test. All Canvas environments are also available on any mobi...
Assessment | Kansas State University
Restore a deleted user
Hi all, Despite in Canvas Documentation says that "Delete a user" process cannot be undone (How do I delete a user from an account?) , we have the situation where a user was deleted but when an application tried to create it again with the same SIS_USER_ID the API response is "The SIS_ID i...
My class required AI. Here's what I've learned so far.
(Spoiler alert: it has been very successful, but there are some lessons to be learned)
How Fonts Affect Learning and Memory
While it may not be obvious to most, text styles likely impact important cognitive processes and might make or break information retention.
Captioning Key
DCMP's Captioning Key provides guidelines, examples, and resources for captioning educational media, and is used by professionals and amateurs around the globe.
From Accommodations to Accessibility: Creating Learning Environments That Work for All
Nearly fifteen years ago, Todd D. Schwanke, Roger O. Smith, and Dave L. Edyburn introduced the A3 Model as an instructional tool for accessibility and
How do I use Course Pacing?
If enabled by your institution, you can use Course Pacing to define a pace in which students must complete course tasks. This allows students with different start dates to have the same time frame in which they must complete course tasks.. Notes: The Course Pacing feature preview is in active devel...
Course Pacing Feature Overview
Summary In Courses, Course Pacing distributes due dates on a defined pace for rolling enrollments. This feature preview allows magical distribution of due dates for students with different start dates based on an instructor’s defined pace. Availability To learn about managing feature option states, ...
Welcome | R for Data Science
This book will teach you how to do data science with R: You’ll learn how to get your data into R, get it into the most useful structure, transform it, visualise it and model it. In this book, you will find a practicum of skills for data science. Just as a chemist learns how to clean test tubes and stock a lab, you’ll learn how to clean data and draw plots—and many other things besides. These are the skills that allow data science to happen, and here you will find the best practices for doing each of these things with R. You’ll learn how to use the grammar of graphics, literate programming, and reproducible research to save time. You’ll also learn how to manage cognitive resources to facilitate discoveries when wrangling, visualising, and exploring data.
Read Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice for Free in Clusive! - CAST
Our flagship publication is now available at no cost on our flexible and customizable digital reading tool.
OneHE – Develop your teaching your way
UDL, Universal Design for Learning • Loui Lord Nelson
The web site of international UDL educator Loui Lord Nelson. Learn how Loui can help you continue forward with designing your learning environment.
ChatGPT and the college curriculum
What happens to higher education curriculum in a world revised by AI?This week the Forum continues our exploration of AI's impact with a great guest, profess...