Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

Five tips for designing materials for remote learning | ISTE
Five tips for designing materials for remote learning | ISTE
Before we go any further, a big thank you to the many teachers who’ve put together content, often at a few days’ notice, to try keep learning going during these uncertain times. Over the past weeks, I’ve seen so much guilt expressed on Twitter and occasionally an attempt to do too much. This post is for you, teachers, to remind you that effective learning can be on the side of minimalism.
Five tips for designing materials for remote learning | ISTE
Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
This volume provides readers with methods, case stories, and strategies related to Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) course design so that they may make decisions about using it themselves and even begin their own HyFlex course (re)design. More specifically, based on the needs identified for their course(s), readers will be able to a) determine if and how HyFlex course design could help them solve critical needs, b) take advantage of emerging opportunities to improve their education practice, enabling them to better serve more students, c) gain an awareness of the HyFlex design, d) find their own in...
Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
The Open Faculty Patchbook | A Community Quilt of Pedagogy
The Open Faculty Patchbook | A Community Quilt of Pedagogy
This is a poetic tale of depression, a snapshot of negative thoughts and skepticisms of ability. Openness can be freeing for the spirit and empowering for others. I hope it helps you
The Open Faculty Patchbook | A Community Quilt of Pedagogy
What's Happening in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space
What's Happening in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space
What's Happening in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space Words Matter Interchange people first language with disability language “Person first vs. Identity first” - Google and see some great research on this Disability Stock Photography https://disabilityin.org/resource/disability-stock-photog...
What's Happening in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space