Teaching and Learning
What Katrina Taught Us About Online Delivery | Inside Higher Ed
In 2005, more than 120 U.S. universities came to the aid of some 20 colleges and universities that had been impacted by Hurricane Katrina through shared online classes.
Teach students how to read — and understand — digital text | ISTE
Creating online educational content isn’t as simple as transferring printed materials to a virtual space. One of the barriers, researchers have found, is that students don’t comprehend online text as deeply as printed materials.
Five tips for designing materials for remote learning | ISTE
Before we go any further, a big thank you to the many teachers who’ve put together content, often at a few days’ notice, to try keep learning going during these uncertain times. Over the past weeks, I’ve seen so much guilt expressed on Twitter and occasionally an attempt to do too much. This post is for you, teachers, to remind you that effective learning can be on the side of minimalism.
3 ways to make remote learning more engaging | ISTE
Like many teachers, since COVID-19 I've been teaching all of my classes remotely. Although I am not new to online teaching or coaching, I wasn’t sure how to make the experience fun and engaging for me and my learners.
Hybrid-Flexible Course Design
This volume provides readers with methods, case stories, and strategies related to Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) course design so that they may make decisions about using it themselves and even begin their own HyFlex course (re)design. More specifically, based on the needs identified for their course(s), readers will be able to a) determine if and how HyFlex course design could help them solve critical needs, b) take advantage of emerging opportunities to improve their education practice, enabling them to better serve more students, c) gain an awareness of the HyFlex design, d) find their own in...
Why You Shouldn’t Try to Replicate Your Classroom Teaching Online
Instead of trying to capture the in-person experience, instructors might consider playing to the internet’s strengths.
One option for delivering instruction if campuses open this fall: HyFlex | Inside Higher Ed
The HyFlex course model is getting buzz as one way colleges could educate students if their campuses are open but physical distancing remains. A panel of experts discusses the pros and cons.
Student-Centered Remote Teaching: Lessons Learned from Online Education
While online and remote education may not be synonymous, today's new remote educators can benefit from the "lessons learned" by experienced online edu
Blendflex lets students toggle between online or face-to-face courses | Inside Higher Ed
In select courses at institutions in Georgia and Minnesota, students toggle between face-to-face, synchronous online and asynchronous online -- the volume of each is up to them. Data suggest the approach has been successful.
How To Import A Quiz From Word Document To Moodle
This video covers how to import a quiz from a word document to a Moodle PREPARING MOODLE TO RECEIVE A QUIZ DOCUMENT STEPS: 1. Log into your course and create...
Accessibility in Education | D2L
D2L is committed to accessibility in education. We believe learning technologies should never limit learning opportunities. Discover how Brightspace helps.
Welcome | D2L
Welcome to D2L’s Accessibility Lab – a showcase of the philosophy and practice of accessibility at D2L
Brightspace Community
Find helpful resources, technical documentation, video tutorials, blogs, discussions, and connect with other Brightspace users.
Moodle Quizzes with Optional Questions
Founded in 1824 in Gambier, Ohio, Kenyon College is a highly selective liberal arts college offering 1,600 students an academically challenging curriculum in a close-knit community.
My Greatest Teaching Problem Was Feedback. Here’s How Research Helped Me Solve It. | EdSurge News
Giving regular feedback to roughly 100 middle and high schoolers has been my greatest challenge as an English and writing teacher, and it hit home for ...
The Open Faculty Patchbook | A Community Quilt of Pedagogy
This is a poetic tale of depression, a snapshot of negative thoughts and skepticisms of ability. Openness can be freeing for the spirit and empowering for others. I hope it helps you
SMART criteria - Wikipedia
The Brain Science Behind Scenario-Based Microlearning
Scenario-based microlearning content can effectively teach hard and soft skills and develop situational awareness.
5 Effective Studying Techniques That Are Backed by Research | Edutopia
Teachers can guide students to avoid ineffective studying habits in favor of ones that will increase their learning outcomes.
Moving a Taxonomy of Inclusive Design from Theory to Practice | EDUCAUSE
Educators can use a number of practical strategies to incorporate accessibility and inclusion into their teaching and learning practices. This is the
A Taxonomy of Inclusive Design: On Disclosure, Accessibility, and Inclusion | EDUCAUSE
This series will explore concepts, practices, and organizational shifts that are central to inclusive pedagogy in higher education.
(286) THE BRAIN WITH DAVID EAGLEMAN | Your Job Reshapes Your Brain | PBS - YouTube
A study of cab drivers and the way their brains change with use.
Here's What Scientists Say Is The Best Way To Take Notes - Digg
Here's how to take notes to improve learning, according to leading psychologists.
Webinar recording
What's Happening in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space
What's Happening in the Digital Accessibility Legal Space Words Matter Interchange people first language with disability language “Person first vs. Identity first” - Google and see some great research on this Disability Stock Photography
Bias in Teaching Evaluations – Rebecca J. Kreitzer
Ahead - Universal Design for Learning
TILT Higher Ed
5 resources to help students — and teachers — understand copyright law | ISTE
As educators, we provide opportunities for students to research and create using new media and technologies.