Ahead - Universal Design for Learning

Teaching and Learning
TILT Higher Ed
5 resources to help students — and teachers — understand copyright law | ISTE
As educators, we provide opportunities for students to research and create using new media and technologies.
Long-Term Learning Gains Remain Elusive with Flipped Model -- Campus Technology
The flipped learning model doesn't necessarily work in the long term, according to an experiment at West Point.
The Future (Revisited) of Online Education | Higher Ed Gamma
How to design a state-of-the-art asynchronous online course.
Changing Our Classrooms to Prepare Students for a Challenging World – Profession
High and low exercise intensity found to influence brain function differently - Neuroscience News
Low-intensity exercise triggers brain networks associated with cognitive control and attention processing, while high-intensity exercise activates networks involved in emotional processing.
Accessibility at a Crossroads: Balancing Legal Requirements, Frivolous Lawsuits, and Legitimate Needs | EDUCAUSE
Changes in legal requirements for IT accessibility have prompted some to pursue self-serving legal actions. To increase access to users of all abiliti
Digital Agility: Embracing a Holistic Approach to Digital Literacy in the Liberal Arts | EDUCAUSE
A group of institutions is collaborating to identify what digital agility means in the liberal arts and to encourage the use of that definition to gui
ELI Webinar | Assessment for Learning Improvement: Comparing Two Universities' Approaches to Reveal Key Principles and Strategies | EDUCAUSE
This webinar will discuss the assessment for learning improvement programs at Carnegie Mellon University and James Madison University and the core pri
ELI Webinar | The IT Experiences of Faculty and Undergraduate Students: 2019 ECAR Findings | EDUCAUSE
We will offer insights and recommendations for data-driven decisions to support the teaching and learning missions of higher ed institutions gleaned f
Why Teachers Should Help Students Learn Effective Study Strategies
There are brain-based techniques that work to help students remember core concepts beyond a test, but it's often up to teachers to make sure they are used in classrooms.
10 Powerful Community-Building Ideas
Strategies for ensuring that students in every grade feel like they’re part of the classroom community.
Why I Don’t Take Attendance
Taking roll always seemed more laborious than necessary, but I never really thought not to do it.
Moodle plugins directory: Buttons
Why Moodle Supporters Should be Concerned -
The changes in global LMS adoption patterns we are beginning to observe may spell trouble for Moodle’s long-term sustainability.
Academic LMS Market Share: A view across four global regions -
Thanks to the broadest view of the installed base of LMS solutions across the globe, we can see a duopoly from Moodle and Blackboard Learn.
About DCMP
The Described and Captioned Media Program is a free-loan library of accessible educational media for use by teachers and family member of K-12 students with a vision or hearing loss. This U.S. Department of Education-funded program also serves as a clearinghouse of accessibility information and training resources as well as a gateway to accessibility information from partnering organizations.
Home | AHEAD: Association on Higher Education and Disability
The site home page
Communication Access Realtime Translation | National Association of the Deaf
A description and definition of CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) services.
Teach Access Portal
Accessibility tutorial/training
Accessible Syllabus
A resource for creating a more accessible syllabus.
Hadi Rangin's Blog: Canvas Accessibility Testing & Evaluation (CATE)
A summary of accessibility testing done on Canvas LMS.
Sign In
Designing for accessibility in Moodle.
Taking Notes By Hand May Be Better Than Digitally, Researchers Say : NPR
OER Outreach for Newbies, Part I: What I Would Do Differently | ACRLog
Digital Access for Individuals with Disabilities
Top 10 Google Classroom Posts of 2015 | Teacher Tech
Google Classroom is the easiest way to start with a blended classroom. Google Classroom allows you to assign work and collect it. You do not need to
Paper or Tablet? Reading Recall and Comprehension | EDUCAUSE
"Paper or Tablet? Reading Recall and Comprehension"
The Impact of Digital Tools on Student Writing and How Writing is Taught in Schools | Pew Research Center
In a survey of Advanced Placement and National Writing Project teachers, a majority say digital tools encourage students to be more invested in their writing by encouraging personal expression and providing a wider audience for their work.