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What is consignment inventory and how does it work?
What is consignment inventory and how does it work?
As any retailer would tell you, purchasing inventory comes with a certain amount of risk. Stocking retail products typically follows the process where the retailer purchases goods from the supplier then sells those products for a profit.ࠈowever, if customers donҴ purchase enough merchandise, the retailer is stuck with unsold products that they either need to markdown or unload. This is where consignment inventory comes into play. Consigned inventory reduces the retailerҳ risk because the consignor (i.e., the supplier or vendor) retains ownership of the merchandise until theyҲe sold. This means that the consignee (the retailer) doesnҴ need to purchase The post What is Consignment Inventory and How Does It Work? appeared first on Vend Retail Blog
What is consignment inventory and how does it work?