
3D Zoning & GIS Visualizations | MuniMap | Gridics
MuniMap combines interactive 3D zoning, parcel-specific zoning data, economic development visualizations, custom GIS layers, & more.
Parcel-Specific Municipal Zoning Data | ZoneCheck | Gridics
ZoneCheck virtualizes zoning front counters & provides parcel-specific zoning data & development potential stats with just a few clicks.
Real Estate Site Selection & Market Analysis | PropZone | Gridics
PropZone provides the commercial real estate industry's most advanced dataset, property analysis, & site selection tools.
Gridics | Real Estate Development Software
The Gridics platform digitizes zoning & makes it easy for both the public & private sectors to understand by-right zoned development potential.
ChatGPT - Zoning - Atlanta
Atlanta's zoning at your fingertips.
Zoning Atlas — Desegregate CT
Automating Zoning Data Collection
We implemented a pilot to gauge the extent to which tools such as text analysis and natural language processing, a branch of machine learning focused on written and spoken language, can automate this data collection process.
The Potential of Machine Learning for Compiling Standardized Zoning Data
Zoning codes, or the official documents that regulate a jurisdiction’s land use, contain an enormous amount of information about what…
Cracking the Zoning Code
How local land-use regulations can advance affordability and equity
Data and evidence to advance upward mobility and equity | Urban Institute
SerpApi Playground - SerpApi
Test SerpApi's Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, Bing, Walmart, Ebay, Baidu, Yandex and more APIs for free in the interactive playground!
PLANNING & ZONING East Point Planning Dept. Map Hello and welcome to East Point! Feel free to explore our property map on the right to find information about your ward, zoning, and related plan review data. Find our departmental contact information below for reference: Permits: 404-270-7212 (office) Click here to request plan review comments Planning & Zoning: 404-270-7029 (office) Click here to contact Planning & Zoning Dept. Inspections: 404-270-7025 (office) Click here to contact Inspections Team Your 1-Stop-Shop for Planning... The Planning & Community Development Department is your “one-stop” shop for information for the following processes: building permits, building inspections, planning and zoning administration and business license. The Planning & Community Development Department was created by City Charter to serve the public in the development, maintenance and redevelopment of properties located in the municipal limits of the City of East Point, Georgia. The Planning & Community Development Department consists of four distinct, yet interrelated divisions: Permits, Building Inspections, Planning and Business License. The four divisions are managed by the Director of Planning & Community Development; Permits Manager (Permit Office); and Chief Building Official (Inspections). The Permits Manager and Chief Building Official report to the department’s Director. PLANNING & ZONING DATA DOWNLOAD Contact Planning Dept. GIS City of East Point Homepage
Discover, analyze and download data from GEO-POINT. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Take the next step and create StoryMaps and Web Maps.
Utilities One
Rathkopf's The Law of Zoning and Planni... | Legal Solutions
Buy Rathkopf's The Law of Zoning and Planning, 4th at Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters. Get free shipping on law books.
National Zoning Atlas
The National Zoning Atlas a collaborative of researchers digitizing, demystifying, & democratizing ~30,000 U.S. zoning codes.
Legal Constructs Lab | The Law of Planning and Zoning Treatise | AAP Labs
Using Generative AI to Draft Zoning Codes
This issue of Zoning Practice introduces key concepts related to the common use of today’s generative AI models and then provides an overview of experiments done to test the current strengths and weaknesses for developing zoning policies at the local level.
Five Reasons to Utilize Planning and Zoning Software
Planning and zoning software for local governments to enhance productivity while increasing civic trust and engagement for effective land use management.
Boundaries - Zoning Districts (current) | City of Chicago | Data Portal
Zoning district boundaries by type and classification.Chicago is divided into zoning districts that regulate land use activities across the city. Data is based on the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and Land Use Ordinance ( Zoning Types are defined in this ordinance. For additional information about business uses, review the License/Zoning Reference (LZR) Guide (, which is based on the Municipal Code and is intended to assist business owners in determining the proper zoning district and primary business license for specific business types. Related Applications: Zoning Map (
Layer: Zoning Boundaries (ID: 1) -
second city zoning 2023 10 25 -
Map created by DataMade in CARTO
Kurby Real Estate AI
Buying A Hose Out Of State Just Got Easier
Using AI to Enhance Real Estate Zoning and Land Use Analysis - Kurby Real Estate AI
Discover how AI improves real estate zoning & land use analysis, streamlining processes, optimizing decision-making, and maximizing property potential.
Are We Close to Automating Zoning?
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Can generative AI take the drudgery out of drafting zoning regulations?
Urban Design Software - Modelur
Early-stage urban design and feasibility study software that helps you quickly iterate different development alternatives and calculates key urban parameters in real-time.
Interactive 3D Zoning: Automate Site Zoning Ordinance Checks - Modelur -
How parametric design can improve the accuracy of your urban design? discussing how Interactive 3D Zoning™ is a bridge between urban planning and urban design, and how an interactive 3D solution space can increase your accuracy and speed.
Urban Design Software - Modelur
Early-stage urban design and feasibility study software that helps you quickly iterate different development alternatives and calculates key urban parameters in real-time.
Real Estate Site Selection & Market Analysis | PropZone | Gridics
PropZone provides the commercial real estate industry's most advanced dataset, property analysis, & site selection tools.